Monday, November 27, 2006

Thanksgiving Bliss

Nick and I made it safely to and from South Carolina yesterday evening. I was not ready to come back home, I must admit! We had a great time. It was nice to get away and be with people that you can really be yourself around. Being married to a church worker, I usually have to mind all my p's and q's and not fully be myself sometimes, so I revel in the opportunity to "let my hair down". Poor Dave and Sonya! :) Dave did a fantastic job with Thanksgiving dinner! The turkey was fabulous, and so were the trimmings! Here's a picture of the beautiful table that was set -

On Saturday we played "tourists" and saw the sites of Hilton Head. Here's pictures of us at Harbor Town:

All in all it was a great time. I made a new friend, Savannah (Dave and Sonya's cat). Ate some good food, and had a wonderful time in general. Wish you didn't live so far away!

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Yea for Thanksgiving!

I am thankful for Thanksgiving! Tomorrow Nick and I are traveling to Hilton Head, SC to spend the Thanksgiving weekend with our good college buddies Dave and Sonya T. I have been waiting for this for a long time.

Is it just me, or do you find that when you get older vacations are even more cherished than when you were a kid? I do. I appreciate them much more now. I am definitely ready for one, too.

The stinky thing is that I still have to go to class tonight and since the prof said that this lecture and the next will be the bulk of the final exam, I really have to focus. Double poop! I just have to make it through tonight, and then I get a nice break.

So keep us in your prayers, and I will try to post some pictures of what I know will be a fabulous Thanksgiving. - I get to cook with Dave!

P.S. Also Nick caught a cold yesterday, so pray for him. For me, pray that I don't pig out too much! :)

Thursday, October 26, 2006

What's yours is mine, and what's mine is mine....

Don't we often times have that attitude when it comes with God and money? I know I'm guilty of it some times. Nick and I are in the middle of a 10 week Bible Study on how to Biblically handle your finances. It's certainly been an eye opener, and a convicting but at the same time, growing experience. Who knew God has given us so much direct guidance through His Word regarding our (really His) possessions. Did you know that there are more than 2300 bible verses regarding money/possessions? Gee, I wonder why? I think that he knew us stupid, self-serving humans would have an ongoing struggle with this issue. It encompasses so much of our lives. We need money to feed, dress, and shelter ourselves. Everything we seem to do "costs" something. What should we spend the money that God has given us on?

I have always heard the term "steward", but never bothered to learn exactly what that word means. A steward is defined as someone who manages the assets of the master. How are you managing your Master's assets? OUCH.

As if I didn't think about money enough already, I now think about every purchase I make - is this a God-pleasing purchase? Though, I must admit, that this awareness has been a blessing. I worry about money much less than I used to because I know He is going to always provide. If I'm faithful, He has also promised to be faithful.

Nick and now have a "game plan" to get out of debt completely (something previously unimagined). I thought that we were doing pretty good - we don't have credit card debt, or debt on furniture, a t.v., etc. All we have is the house, the car, and student loans (lots of student loans - ON Concordia, and on and on and on!). I learned that "Just as the rich rule the poor, so the borrower is servant to the lender." Proverbs 22:7 If you think about it, it does make sense. Just think of how much I could do for God if I wasn't paying all this money to creditors?

Everyone needs to learn what God's plan is for managing finances. I think it's one of those things that people don't like to talk about - it's taboo. How dare you tell someone what they should be doing with "their" money! They can handle it perfectly fine on their own, thank you very much! But if we are going to truly turn our lives over to God, that includes our finances. A really cool dude named Martin Luther once said that to love God there must be "A conversion of the heart, the mind, and the purse."

The study has been amazing so far, and I encourage everyone to learn more about God's will regarding your finances. The things He asks of us are sometimes not the easiest, and the world often screams the opposite message in our face, but with Christ all things are possible.

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Change, You've got to be kidding me!

Yeah, that was the title of our sermon this past Sunday. Isn't that how we feel most of the time? I know I do. Just when you have gotten into the swing of things, something else comes into the picture and throws a kink in the wheels. A couple our age that we have made friends with down here just told us Monday night that they are going to be moving to Michigan for a job promotion. Do you know how hard it is to make friends nowadays? While I am happy for them, it still makes me a little sad for me. You know, it's my selfish human nature rearing its ugly head once more. Then again I should be used to having my friends living at the four corners of the U.S.

But I digress, not all change is bad. One exciting change that is about to begin is changes to our house. We have been wanting to make some changes to our house - it needs a few improvements, that's for sure - but we really didn't know how to go about it all and what to do first. Of course, God being the giver of all good things and the supplier of every need (and a few wants, too) brought a wonderful lady into our lives to help us out. She is fabulous. She is going to help us get a "game plan" for our house, and work with our budget and our timeline. She has already come over to our house and met with us, and tomorrow, we get to go talk to her about choosing products and getting ready for the instillation. This weekend, Nick and I will begin scraping off our popcorn ceiling that has started to fall down. Fun fun fun! Hopefully it won't be too bad. We have to get the ceilings done before the new floors come in, and that should prove to be quite a task.

Anyway, I should get you some before pictures, and then some after photos when it's all said and done.

Moral of the story, not all change is bad, and we can rest assured that we have a Changeless God who works for the good of those who love Him. So we know He uses change to mold us and shape our character. How lucky are we that we should be called His children? Change! Let it begin with me.....

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

The Armadillo

Have you ever seen one of these repulsive creatures? Well I have, and I saw it last night about 5 feet from me. They are gross! So, it was bedtime, and time for Charles to come inside for the night. He seemed mesmorized by something in the bushes. I figured it was the neighbor cat again that likes to come over and play sometimes. But there was no meowing. And this "thing" kept moving.

So I do what any other damsel in distress would do. I screamed for Nick to come out there and rescue me. "There's something in the bushes!!!! Get out here!" Just grab the cat and come in he replys. There is no way I'm going out there not knowing what in the world is waiting for me. What if it were a skunk, and it was rabid, or it sprayed me?

Just then the "thing" emerged from the bushes. And behold, it was a nasty armadillo digging around the yard for his dinner. This thing is pretty big too. So I scream. Finally, this gets Nick's attention. He comes out and says, "Oh, it's just an armadillo." Just an armadillo!! This nasty thing is in our yard just feet away from us and the cat. Now, I know that these things are blind, and nocturnal by nature. Nick, armed with the BBQ grilling brush, claps his hands really loud and stomps his foot. Like a lightening bolt, this thing books it across our yard to it's apparent home under our shed in the back yard. ........Lovely. The horrid beast has made it's home inches from our porch. Great. How do I know this you say? I saw the nasty thing early one morning a couple of weeks ago rooting around our back yard. Plus it ran in a perfecly straight line right to the hole below our he'd been there a time or two.

So, does anyone know how to get rid of an armadillo?

Thursday, August 31, 2006

Pet Pandemonium

They say when it rains it pours. Well, it's been raining cats and dogs (badoom ching!) in Clara, TX where the rents reside.

It all started a couple of weeks ago when Mr. Kitty took a turn for the worst. Mom called to let me know that he wasn't doing well, and they were taking him to the vet. When they took him in, it was determined that Mr. Kitty's time on earth was drawing nigh. His liver was failing and he wouldn't last much longer. So my parents made the decision to go ahead to put him to sleep. He had a good 17 1/2 years. I can't believe he lived so long. So now Mr. Kitty is keeping my brother company. ***Question of the day - Do you think pets go to heaven? Some say yes, others say no."*** So, once the pain had ended, the vet boxed him up and they went home and buried him under a tree in the back yard. It was my dad's first pet funeral. They said a prayer of thanksgiving for his companionship and the joy he had brought them over the years.

I thought my mom would have a really hard time with it, but she has done pretty well. God works in mysterious ways. So, just days before Mr. Kitty departed from us, mom and dad were out walking the dogs (they live out in the country in the middle of nowhere) and were about a mile from their house. Dad said he thought he heard meowing, and then a little 3mo. old kitten popped out of the bushes. What are the odds? I can't believe that thing was alive considering all of the wild beasts that roam that area - bob cats, mountain lions, wild boars, snakes, you name it. Anyway, that thing must be awfully smart - it followed them home -- all the way home and let them pet him and even pick him up. Which makes them think that someone just dropped him off out there - to me unfathomable. Well, mom couldn't be cold hearted, and set out some food for him. They named it Vernon (after the town my mother teaches in). He has been trying to prove himself worthy ever since that day. He used the litter box immediately after mom showed it to him, so as to show her he knew exactly how to do is duty. He caught this massive field rat about half the size he was and brought it to the porch as a token of his appreciation. And, finally, he somehow made it into church on Sunday!
So now Vernon fills that empty spot on the bed where Mr. Kitty used to lay.
In other breaking news from little house on the prairie, mom and dad were out walking again - that same week- when they noticed one of the dogs wince and a little brown snake slither away. They couldn't tell if it was poisonous or not, but by the time they got home, Becky (the dog) was drooling uncontrollably, and her face was swelling up like a balloon. So, they rushed her into the Vet. Turns out, it was a prairie rattle snake, but after the doc administered steroids, antibiotics, and fluids through an IV, she was doing much better. They sent her home with more meds and some pain killers. Later that night dad went over to the other dog - Freckles- and noticed that his ear was about 3 times its normal size! So they gave him some meds and pain killers they had brought home.
That, I say, is plenty excitement for one week, wouldn't you think? My goodness. Pets, they bring joy, they bring excitement.

Friday, August 25, 2006

The past few days...Ups and Downs

Yes, it too has hit me. I have had this nasty cold for the past 3 days. But, alas, it will not prevail! I get sick once in a millennium, thankfully, and I think I am on the downhill slope of it. I haven't gone to the doctor yet, because the marvels of DayQuill and Tylenol Cold and Flu Nighttime seem to be doing great work. Fight the good fight glorious over-the-counter meds!
In other breaking news, Nick and I have new neighbors. I met the wife Tuesday, and Nick and I introduced ourselves to the husband last night (they were both mowing the lawn). They are young - late twenties - moved from Miami last year and this is their first house. I am excited. They seem very nice and quite. AND they have a nine month old Basset Hound!! As you know this is my favorite dog - the same dog that Nick has shunned and refuses to have as a pet. So maybe every once in a while I can get my basset fix. :)
Tomorrow is the High School Beach trip. We are going to Ft. Desoto for some fun in the sun. It will probably be the last time this year. School is starting back up for me next week, and the dreaded red tide is creeping up the coast as we speak. We have a few additions to our HS youth group from last year's 8th grade class. It's a good core group of 4 girls. I am thankful for that. We lost two seniors, but have gained 4 freshmen. I hope that they continue to come and be filled with God's love. The older kids are really good with accepting and including others, so the transition has been nice. Pray that we have a great event!
Well, I guess that's about it for now. I'll post again later~ Have a great weekend!

Friday, August 18, 2006

Yoda and Fozzie kin?

So I was driving to work a couple of days ago listening to the radio. Somehow the DJ and the traffic report girl got on the topic of Yoda. Then, of course, the DJ did his best Yoda impression (not bad either). As the conversation progressed, she said that he was starting to sound more like Fozzie than Yoda. (You know, Fozzie from the Muppets.)Then the traffic report girl pondered aloud, "I wonder if they're related." Immediately, I thought of the perfect person to ask - Julianna. Not only is half of her nickname Yoda, but she is the queen of pop culture as well. On top of that, she faithfully watches A Muppet's Christmas Carol every December. So, Julianna, are Fozzie and Yoda mysteriously related? Is there a bizarre pop culture path that joins the two? I must know!!! (Anyone else who thinks they know are welcome to comment as well; even if you don't have all the credentials as the infamous Spoda.) :)

Thursday, August 03, 2006


I've recently come to the realization that I am very boring. That's why I don't have many posts on my blog. Nothing exciting really happens to me. It's not like I have people coming up to me telling me that I resemble a famous star of the 80's/early 90's, or have an odd happening at the grocery store, or other amusing instances. It doesn't make matters any better when I don't have anything to do at work. I'm ready for a project.

We did get new neighbors to our left recently. We haven't met them yet, but I heard a dog barking when I was in the back yard this week, and, like any good neighbor would do, I peeked my head over the fence. As fate would have it, they have a basset hound. If you aren't familiar with my love for basset hounds, let me tell you. I really really want to get a basset when we decide to get a dog, but Nick thinks they are ugly. Can I get some backup that these lovable canines are just about the sweetest and cutest things ever? Yeah, I know. Nick has his heart set on a lab. Yes a 90lb dog....super. Don't get me wrong, I think they are beautiful dogs, but they are just so darn huge! Ah, the battle/saga continues along with the naming of our not yet conceived unborn son.

In other breaking news, we are kid/house sitting for a church family starting tomorrow night for a week. Hello to a gourmet kitchen with t.v. so that I may watch Emeril while I make dinner. Hello to a memory foam mattress that is like sleeping on a little slice of heaven. Hello to a big swimming pool. Hello to surround sound and cable t.v. Yes, it will be rough. Especially if you add on the fact that all 3 kids are extremely well behaved and well mannered. However, it should be interesting. It is the first week of school, and two of the three are starting a new school.

I'm sure I will have lots of updates throughout the week. The little one is down right hilarious! He keeps me laughing.

For Julianna: I have begun an afghan pattern out of the Disney Pattern book and it's looking pretty fabulous. I'll keep you updated and let you see the finished product.

So, that's all for now. More to come next week.....

Thursday, July 27, 2006


Since it's been a while since I've posted some pictures....

Now for your viewing pleasure:

Me and my Daddy when he came down to visit me last month. I love you Dad!

Nick and I at the southern most point of the U.S. - The infamous trip to Key West! (See two posts ago!)

A great shot to make my parents jealous. :)

Tuesday, July 25, 2006


Seems like every so often something changes - sometimes good, other times bad. I have a good change that has manifested itself in my life. I have been blessed with a job promotion. It's pretty exciting. I'm not sure what to do with myself. My boss got back from vacation today, so now the fun can begin.

Now with the good news there has only been a little bit of bad news. I have had to fight with the IT department. It's always a pain trying to get everything set up and access to the appropriate applications. I now have a phone that works, access to a certain file folder that I need, a computer, and printer access. However, I am still waiting patiently for my software. You would think that they would be in somewhat of a hurry to supply people with access to programs that are essential to doing their jobs, but apparently not. It's been over a week. So I called, and they said it would be soon. I said soon as in a couple days, or soon as in a couple of hours?

Anyway, it will come, and things will be fine. I am not too overwhelmed yet, and I think that this is something I am really going to enjoy. God is a giver, and I am thankful. Do you ever feel guilty that you have more than your fair share of blessings? I do. But then again, I'm Lutheran and we are bread to feel guilty! :)

All I can do is try to use wisely what he has given to me. The other day, I decided to define the purpose of my life and this is what I came up with to inspire and motivate my everyday:
"My purpose in life is to learn and implement God's will for me, to be a good steward of the gifts He has given to me, and reflect Christ's love to others around me."

It's like writing down goals. It just feels good. Makes me keep in mind why I'm here.

Friday, July 07, 2006

I is Ghetto

Deep down I always knew it, but a recent happening solidified the notion.

A couple weeks ago Nick and I finally went on vacation - by ourselves - with no family - it was glorious. We have not taken a vacation alone together since we have been married, so it was nice to get away from the hum drum of everyday life.

Destination - The Florida Keys! Wow, that sounds awesome. Certainly we can afford to take a 3 day vacation, right. Of course, my husband is in church work, so money is not an object. To save money, we decided to take along a cooler. It was a grand idea, at first, but became less and less of a great idea as the trip progressed.

So, we packed up the cooler with PB&J, a loaf of bread (our lunch for two days), watermelon, banana bread (for breakfast), butter (for the banana bread), and some water and soda. Yea, we were set, and we were saving money. (Already you can see that the story has a pathetic ring to it!)

So, we iced it down, and drove. Like I said before, this was great the first night. Then we went to pick up two more bags of ice - $3. $3! We are getting no where if we have to spend all this money on ice. Then it occurred to us - the hotel has an ice machine (I'm laughing as I write). What a splendid idea!

Also, we do not find this weird in the least. Our bed and breakfast in Key West had an ice machine right by our car, making fill up rather easy. The problem didn't occur until the last night. We were staying on the 29th floor of the Marriott in downtown Miami.

Nick says to me, "Candace, I need to fill up the cooler, come with me." O.K. "How are you going to get the ice down to the cooler?" "Oh, I've got a plastic Publix sack." (That's right, folks, a plastic grocery sack.) So we trot down to the ice machine and start filling up the sack. It was at that very moment we realized the extent of our frugality and started busting out laughing. We were laughing so hard we almost started crying.

The bad thing was, that we had already committed ourselves to this escapade and must finish our mission. To do this meant going all the way down the elevator and across the lobby - the very big lobby where many people had come to attend a rather large wedding. So, we boarded the elevators along with several other people, of course. I'm trying to block the bag of ice with my body so people won't notice what lunatics we are. Meanwhile the ice is beginning to melt and starts to drip on my leg. By the time we get down to the lobby, there is a little pool of water on the floor. We make it across the lobby with a water drop trail following us every step of the way.

The last thing that set me over the edge is when we finally got to our car and Nick put the ice in the cooler, he turned to me and asked, "Do you want to save the bag?"

We is ghetto.

Monday, June 12, 2006

Alberto how I loath thee....

Yes, you guessed it. It's not even two weeks into official "Hurricane Season" and Alberto is already ringing in the new year. Thanks me amigo. I drove to work in a torrential down pour today, but made it safely to work - for which I am thankful. One thing I have become accustomed to since my relocation to Florida is Hurricanes. Once they were only things to be flipped through on the national news, now they stare at me June - October when I look out my front door.
You know what I love about this increase in hurricane activity? It brings out the wack jobs. Now, I'm not saying we aren't all wack jobs in our own special way, but in this case, I am referring to the ones who's wackiness is exemplified by the extreme weather. To begin my list of favorite hurricane wackos (from now on referred to as "HW's") are the ones who think that the escalated hurricane activity indicates that the world is coming to an end - Armageddon is near! Run around screaming! Frighten small children! Etc. I say that isn't something to be bothered by. If Jesus is coming, I'm ready to be taken home - I'd love to see my brother again as well (today would have been his 22nd birthday - lucky him, it's his 5th birthday with Jesus!). Another favorite HW's are the idiots, whom live on the coast that is predicted to be a direct hit, that voluntarily decide to "ride it out". Why, why do these people challenge/ignore the inherent danger? Ahhhh for many reasons:
-They have lived in the house for 30 years and they aren't going to leave it
-It will be cool - Yea, getting killed by the brute force of nature will be "cool".
-The government can't tell me what I can and can't do. Yes government, why do you insist on looking out for us? That sure is rude of you to try and protect us from our own stupidity. How dare you.
Lastly, in my list of HW are the aftermathers who just can't find enough people to blame. Blame FEMA. Blame the governor. Blame the president. People - hurricanes are no one's fault. We can have nice little plans, but when D-day comes, those nice made plans might not be feasible to the situation. So stop your griping and go help your neighbor!
Well kids, this concludes my ranting and raving over the current hurricane season. Thoughts?

Friday, June 09, 2006

All about Charles..........

First of all you must be thinking.....two posts in one day!!!???!!! I know, I'm full of surprises. But I thought I needed to write about the other man in my life. :)

First of all he goes by Many different names. Some are not appropriate to publish, but here are a few:
My boy

You would think that all theses names would confuse the poor fellow, but that's the great thing about animals - as long as you talk to them in that high-pitched pet talk, they will answer to just about anything. It's a proven fact, I've had pets my whole life, and I've never called them by their "given" name. They still come when you call them, though.

He is certainly something else, pets are just too fun. Everyone should have one for entertainment purposes. Here are some of his quirks.....
*He's a food slinger. I don't understand how something that small can make such a mess with dried food! Here's how it all plays out. I put the food in his bowl and he stares at I'm going to give him something else. Hello, you've been getting the same food for the past 623 days. Don't look so shocked! Seriously. Then he proceeds to eat his food. After he begins chowing down, he starts purring and realizes how much he really does like the food. So he eats, and shakes his head. This causes bits of food to scatter across the floor, on the wall by his bowl, and in his water dish dirtying up his water. I've never seen anything quite like it. The wall behind his bowl looks like abstract art. Which gets me thinking - maybe I can just start hanging pieces of paper back there and sell the "art" on E-bay making millions. Hey, they did it with monkeys and elephants, why not a domestic tabby cat?
*He is not a lap cat, but is very affectionate....go figure. He would not stay in your lap if his life depended on it, but he will let you pet him all day long.
*He seems to be frightened of beds. If you try to put him on one, he immediately jumps off and runs out of the room. He's nuts.
*He can sit in the middle of an ant hill and not get eaten alive. This, to me, has to be the eighth wonder of the world. Cats must be immune to ants. I never knew that, did you?
*He knows just how to piss off Nick (this is the most entertaining thing of all)! Have you ever seen a grown man yell at a cat? It's pretty hilarious.

I could go on and on, but I suppose you have better things to do with your day than read about my weird cat. Hope it gave you a few chuckles, anyway. If it didn't and you are a visual person, feel free to drop by our house anytime for free amusement!

VBS Update, and Insights from Life's Friction

Things are beginning to wind down on the VBS front! Yea! I am so proud of my husband. Only the Lord knows how he made it through. He has certainly been equipped with amazing talents (though he would never admit it or take any credit).

Looking around at the people in my life leads me to think of a conversation I had with my sister yesterday. She said, "People are different, Candace." and I said, "Yes they are, Courtney, and there's The God who made us and loves us all just the same." Each person that I know and love has been made very different and unique. I am very thankful for that....most of the time :). Nick and I, as you all know, are very different, but I tell you, God certainly knew what he was doing when he brought us together. He knows how to calm me down (after he has pressed all my buttons!)and he always gives me something to think about. He is the greatest listener anyone could hope to find, which is great for a talker such as myself.

You know, it's life's friction that helps us to grow. That darn "pruning" can be painful, though, but, in the end, I want to yield good fruit, so I better roll with the punches, right?

O.K. Enough of the deep thinking stuff.....Peety (I named the parrot from two entries ago) is no where to be found. He has either found another back yard to perch in, or he is now in that big margaritaville in the sky. Either way, all the best to you Peety, all the best.....

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Down with VBS!

That's right, you heard me. This is absolutely the worst week out of the year, and I'm not even directly involved! Yeah yeah, it's great for the kids...blah blah blah, but I do not like what it does to my husband. He gets this crazed look in his eye, and is extremely irritable. I try to be understanding......really I do, but I can only take so much. I see where he is coming from. He is working 80 hours this week, and when it's all said and done, 12 days in a row - a feat that few are able to push through. I admire him for his sticktuidiveness (sp?).
So any prayers this week would be greatly appreciated. 1 1/2 days down, 4 1/2 more to go. Sunday afternoon, the peasants will be rejoicing and Candace and Nick will be on the beach recovering from the effects of all that encompasses VBS.

Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Yeah, I know........

I have been extremely bad about posting. This is of no fault of my own, however. I have been uber busy with everything that I call life. Happenings since you last heard from me:
*Went to KC for Abby's college graduation (sister-in-law). It was awesome and she was recognized with a Service Before Other's award. It was great to see all of the inlaws!
*I applied for a promotion at work. It's in the same department, but mgmt. level and salaried instead of hourly, and I hope to find out sometime this week if I get the job.
*Nick went to Haiti on a mission trip and had an amazing experience. I was upset because I was unable to contact him the entire 8 days he was gone. You can bet that I was super happy that he came back home safely to me. I am glad that he had a great time and am excited to see how God uses this experience.
*I got new glasses. Julianna calls them "Indi-urban" chic. I asked her if they made her want to rush up to me to have an intellectually stimulating conversation! :)
*While Nick was gone, I got more dinner invites than the president! It was extremely nice for people to think of me, but I was feeling quite bloated after about the 3rd dinner out. I am thankful to have such a supportive congregation.
*Had a super-fun time with my good pal Julianna last Friday night. We went out to eat, I got some new crochet patterns and raided J's yarn stash, and battled one of the most terrible dogs I have ever laid eyes on. You certainly earned your paycheck on that one!
*Started my summer classes - Financial and Marketing Management. Yeehaw. I don't think that either on of them will be too hard conceptually, but the work load is going to be larger than usual.

In other breaking news, we have a parrot in our back yard. That's right, a parrot! I saw this lime green streak fly out from the bushes and across the back yard. Now, Florida is tropical, but not that tropical! We think it is someone's pet that escaped (possibly accidently on purpose), because we were able to get pretty close to it. I found myself trying to catch it, but thought "what the heck would I do with it once I caught it".

That's about all for now. This isn't that difficult when your life is not extremely exciting! I will try to keep you posted more than once a month, but no promises!....:)

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Thoughts on Swimsuit Season

Well, it's that time again already (at least in Florida)- the dreaded swimsuit season. Donn donn DONN! For skinny 16 year olds with perfect bodies, this is not such a big deal. For the other 99% of us, it is. I read somewhere that most women would rather go to the dentist that shop for a swimsuit. I would agree with that.
So, last weekend I took the plung and went shopping. Mind you, I am not a shopper. I don't enjoy it. It's not something I choose to do on the weekends. In fact, I only do "serious" shopping about once a year. For most females, shopping is a way to have fun and relax, and for some an essential part of their being. For Candace, it is a stressful, nerve-wracking experience. Everything I like is too expensive, doesn't fit, or is not in my size. How do people do this ALL the time - for ENJOYMENT?!
(I went to try to find an Easter dress as well as a SS. I found nothing worth anything under $60.00, and I'm not spending $60.00 on a dress. Yeah, I'm cheap...I know.)
Anyway, back to the swimsuits. So I trompped around the mall for 2 hours to no avail. Did you know that people sell SS for $50.00/piece?!! $100.00 for two tiny pieces of material? I don't think so. The material isn't even worth that, and you know it probably wasn't "made in the USA", as most all manufacturing/textile production is now outsourced across the big pond. How? Why? I'm became more disgruntled as time went on and with every store I entered.
With no luck at the mall, I head to good old Target - The one store that I don't completely loath shopping at. (Hind-site, I should have gone there to begin with).
I walk in, and they have a great selection with reasonable prices. I actually find 3 suites (7 pieces in all for different sizes) plus two shirts and a skirt to try on. So I walk to the dressing room where the girl (the 16 yr. old with the perfect SS body) informs me that I can only take 6 pieces into the dressing room. So what? Try on the tops and then come back for the bottoms and try to envision what they would look like together? (I didn't say this out loud, but I was thinking it.) So I take a couple of the suites, try them on, put my clothes back on, trade out for the other pieces, go back in the dressing room, try on round two, and dress again. I consider myself and efficient person and like to do things as expidiciously as possible - you can imagine how annoyed I was.
This story does have a happy ending, though. I did find a SS that I actually like, and that fits me, and I will be set to go for another 2 years, hopefully.
Now I just have to work on tanning my albino body.........

Wednesday, March 29, 2006


I had a great conversation with my best friend from high school last night. She is doing great and might be getting engaged shortly. Then - the super genius that I am - got to thinking that her last name is going to change. How weird will it be to call her Miller?
Anyway, all of this got me thinking about high school. Don't worry, I'm not one of those poor souls hanging on, and living vicariously through the memories of days now past. To me, HS seems like a life time ago. I guess in some ways it is. So much has changed - not only in the world, but in me as well. I wonder about what changes life has brought to my classmates, and where they are/ what they are doing now. Since I live literally half way across the US from my home town, and haven't been back in quite some time now, and tend to lose touch with the grand happenings of Eden. If Kim gets married, that will mean I'll have a reason to go back and see some people. That just gets me worked up. What do you say to people that you haven't seen in years? It's so WEIRD! Yet, in a way, I would be as happy as a lark to catch up. This, I believe, is spawned by my curiosity of how people are now. Have they changed? Are they married? Do they have kids? I guess I'll find out some day.
The old 10 year reunion is a mere 4 years away! Now that's a scary thought!

Friday, March 24, 2006

Something to "chew" on, and listen to.....

If we discover a desire within us that nothing in this world will satisfy, we should begin to wonder if perhaps we were created for another world.

~~~C.S. Lewis

Don't you love being a Christian? Where else can you be fully satisfied and, on the flip side, never be fully satisfied? I have recently purchased my first CD in years (literally). Who, you ask, brought my fruglness to its knees? Well, it's Barlow Girl's latest - Another Journal Entry. I'm not one to promote music, as everyone has their own tastes, but this one is definitely worth doting on. There's something on there for every mood you happen to find yourself in.

Feeling rebellious and wild? Listen to Track #1 ~~~So give me the fire, yeah God give me your fire~~

Boyfriend just dumped you, or someone hurt you? Track #5 ~~~Broken Heart one more time Pick yourself up, why even cry Broken pieces in your hand Wonder how you'll make it whole~~~~

Going crazy at work? Track #6 titled Take me Away

Just want to rock out to the love and awesomeness of Jesus? Track #10

My favorite has to be Track #3 because it optimizes my relationship with my Lord:

Why, why are You still here with me
Didn't You see what I've done?
In my shame I want to run and hide myself, but it's here I see the truth
I don't deserve You.
But I need You to love me, and I
I won't keep my heart from You this time
And I'll stop this pretending that I can
Somehow deserve what I have
I, I have wasted so much time pushing You away from me
I just never saw how You could cherish me
'Cause You're a God who has all things And still You want me.

For a "preview" visit

Have a great weekend everyone!

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Where do pets come from?

A newly discovered chapter in the Book of Genesis has provided the answer to "Where do pets come from?"

Adam and Eve said, "Lord, when we were in the garden, you walked with us every day. Now we do not see you any more. We are lonesome here, and it is difficult for us to remember how much you love us."

And God said, I will create a companion for you that will be with you and who will be a reflection of my love for you, so that you will love me even when you cannot see me. Regardless of how selfish or childish or unlovable you may be, this new companion will accept you as you are and will love you as I do, in spite of yourselves."

And God created a new animal to be a companion for Adam and Eve.

And it was a good animal.

And God was pleased.

And the new animal was pleased to be with Adam and Eve and he wagged his tail.

And Adam said, "Lord, I have already named all the animals in the Kingdom and I cannot think of a name for this new animal."

And God said, " I have created this new animal to be a reflection of my love for you, his name will be a reflection of my own name, and you will call him

And Dog lived with Adam and Eve and was a companion to them and loved them.

And they were comforted.

And God was pleased.

And Dog was content and wagged his tail.

After a while, it came to pass that an angel came to the Lord and said, "Lord, Adam and Eve have become filled with pride. They strut and preen like peacocks and they believe they are worthy of adoration. Dog has indeed taught them that they are loved, but perhaps too well."

And God said, I will create for them a companion who will be with them and who will see them as they are. The companion will remind them of their limitations, so they will know that they are not always worthy of adoration."

And God created CAT to be a companion to Adam and Eve.

And Cat would not obey them. And when Adam and Eve gazed into Cat's eyes, they were reminded that they were not the supreme beings.

And Adam and Eve learned humility.

And they were greatly improved.

And God was pleased.

And Dog was happy.

And Cat didn't give a crap one way or the other.

Friday, March 10, 2006


It's such a funny thing. We always say we want it, but is that always the "honest truth"? I love my husband, I really do, but his honesty comes at sometimes unwanted times. Two specific instances come to mind:

Instance #1-I had just spent two hours making homemade lasagna (any of you who have attempted this culinary challenge know how involved this dish is)and I asked him if he liked it, as he hadn't said anything inbetween bites. He said, "Yeah, it's good. Did you use a recipe?" Mind you there are only two of us, so instead of making a huge 9X13 pan, I cut the recipe in half. Otherwise we would have been eating it for a month. I replied, "Well, sort of. I made it smaller for us." He says, "Oh...", to which I respond, "What?" -
N:"Well, it could use more sauce."
C:"MORE SAUCE?! Wait, let me make the amendment in my cookbook!"
N: "I don't see why you are getting all mad. Don't you want me to be honest?"
C:pause.....Ouch.......How do I respond to that? "No, husband, I don't want you to be honest with me? I don't think so." So I told him that I did want his honesty.

Instance # 2 - I'm getting ready for church, and decide on this black velvet dress I haven't worn in a while. Nick comes around the corner, looks at me, and says "Are you going to wear that?" No, I just put it on for fun. It's my "getting ready for church wear". Of course I'm going to wear it.
C:"What's wrong with the dress?"
N:"It looks like something a pregnant woman would wear." (Nice not only a put down to the dress, but a subtle innuendo regarding my size as well, even if not intentionally.)
C:"Alright master, what would you like me to wear?" (He hates it when I call him master)
N:"Anything but that dress."

What can I say, I have an honest husband. Even though my feelings have been hurt before, I know he really does mean well, and looking back - he was right. The lasagna did need more sauce, and the dress is certainly capable of accommodating a pregnant woman. In the end, I thank God for a husband who is honest, as brutal as it may be at times, and who can communicate with me. I can only wish that for others.

***Disclaimer. Let's get one thing straight. In no way do I mean that Nick is ALWAYS right. I'm was just trying to convey my appreciation for his honesty.

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

A Thought on forgiveness

It's always amazing to me what forgiveness brings - whether you are asking for it or giving it to another. It seems to always bring out what is right in the world. The forgiveness between a husband and a wife is something I can't fully describe. I screw up all the time, and Nick forgives me time and time again. In turn, when he happens to do something that is less than desirable, and then comes to me asking forgiveness, I feel loved. I appreciate that we can come to each other truly sorry for our actions and ask the other for forgiveness.
This also makes me contemplate God's forgiveness. I just can't fully comprehend that 1) I can even go before The Almighty and ask for forgiveness time and time again. I'm like the monkey that reaches for the banana and gets shocked every time he does, but yet keeps reaching for it anyway. It truly is a humbling experience. and 2) That God grants forgiveness to dumb monkeys like me even when he knows we will inevitably screw up again.
Forgive others just as He forgives us. What a great pearl.

Monday, March 06, 2006

Babysitter/ Update

Well, they aren't really babies, but you know what I mean. Nick and I have agreed to watch 3 kids for the weekend while their parents go out of town. This is going to be WEIRD! The oldest is a freshman in HS, the middle child is a 6th grader, and the baby is a 5th grader. I'll be cooking for them and making sure they get to bed on time, and Nick will be making sure they get to school on time. Will this be a momentary "flash forward" about 20 years? Pretty strange to think about, huh? Anyway, I don't anticipate it being bad at all. The kids are great and very well behaved.

In other news, Nick and I are prepping for Quote "The social event of the year" according to our middle-schoolers. I didn't know it had so much clout! The middle school lock-in is this weekend as well. Boy oh boy. The kids love it, but it takes the adults the entire year to recover from it! I made it until 3 am last year, but then I hit the door.

Well, I finished my first two 8 week classes for school. An A and a B. I'm satisfied. I know I'm no prodigy or super genius, so as long as I make it through the program with above a 3.4, I will be satisfied. So far, I have done that. My next two professors will be interesting. I've heard mixed reviews, so I am ready to find out how they will be.

Nick made it back from the HS district youth gathering, and had a great time in Jacksonville. He said the kids really enjoyed it, and were able to have plenty of fellowship and service opportunities. They had the largest food distribution in Jacksonville's history, so that's pretty awesome.

I guess that's about all that has been going on with me. I'm another year older - 24 - woo hoo. That's another thing that pretty much stinks about getting older. Birthdays just aren't what they used to be. Anyway, I better be getting back to work. My lunch break is over. Until next time......

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Inspiration via Julianna

My good blogging buddy and friend, Julianna, posted some questions on her blog. They are kind of random, but very fun. I hope you learned something about me you never knew........

Four jobs you have had in your lifetime:
1)Lubke Chevrolet filer/ car deliverer/ misc.
2)Bank Teller
3)Bank Customer Service
4)Financial Services for Ritz-Carlton Club (all the prestige with non of the cash!)

Four movies you would watch over and over:
1)The Wedding Singer (I can't explain why this movie never gets old - you would think it would after a while)
2)My Big Fat Greek Wedding (Although I may be giving this impression, I'm not a wedding movie enthusiast)
3)Forrest Gump
4)The Sound of Music
(If that's not a weird combo, I don't know what is!)

Four places you have lived:
1)Eden Texas, (I do miss the homeland)
2)San Angelo, Texas
3)Seward, Nebraska (don't miss the cold!)
4)Lakeland, Florida (a place where beaches are close by, but that I never have time to visit. Oh the irony!)

Here's a fun one that Julianna didn't have:
Four Colleges/ Universities I've attended (Yeah I know)
1)Angelo State University, San Angelo, TX
2)Howard Junior College, San Angelo, TX
3)Concordia University, Seward Nebraska (I did graduate from this one!)
4)University of South Florida, Tampa

Four TV shows you love to watch:
1)Desperate Housewives
2)Gray's Anatomy
3)Surface (I hope it comes back next season!)
4)Everybody Loves Raymond & King of Queens reruns

Four places you have been on vacation:
1)Winter Park Colorado - twice snow skiing. It's so beautiful!
2)Disney World (before I moved to Florida - I actually haven't been since I've moved here almost 2 years ago!)
3)Nashville Tennessee and Memphis to visit the home of the King (Yeah, I'll just come out and say it - I like Elvis! He was my first "crush". While other's were swooning over New Kids on the Block, I had my sights set on a dead guy. Another embarrassing tid bit- I've seen most of his movies.)
4)Washington DC - loved it, want to go back and take Nick with me

Four websites I visit daily:
I don't have time these days. The ones I visit are all work related unless I can grab a break. In which case they would be:
1)My Concordia email - a few people still email me there
2)Julianna's Blog - it's how we maintain our friendship! :)
3)Bank's website to check on my account and pay bills
4)USF website to check my grades

Four of my favorite foods:
1)Tex mex Fajitas w/ all the trimmings
2)Shrimp w/ pasta (any sauce will do)
3)Ice cream - I'm a sucker for it
4)My grandmother's home-made bread - I haven't had it in so long - I've GOT to get the recipe and go for it

Four places I would rather be right now:
1)Not at work
2)On the beach relaxing
3)Home with my mom and dad for a visit
4)Heaven! :)

So, there you go....stuff you never knew and aren't really sure if you wanted to know after all!

Friday, February 17, 2006

It's been a while

I haven't died, although I've prayed for death a couple times in the last few weeks. :) I haven't know busy until recently. But, anyway, here's a little recap of what's been going on the past week.
Last weekend Nick and I finally got our landscaping put in (Just in time for our first and only hard freeze of the year.) We covered all our new plants with sheets, and I think they are all going to make it. One got a little burned, but hopefully it will perk back up. The banana trees didn't fair so well. They look pretty sad. I hope they won't die on me.
Valentine's day came and went with me spending a romantic evening in class, and Nick enjoying a romantic dinner with my grandparents. You know we like to spend all the romantic holidays with family. It's been our tradition so far!
Tonight is Pastor Goff's big surprise party for his Doctorate. I made a big salad last night, and a batch of my family's world famous salsa.
This weekend, we will hopefully get our baseboards put in and our screen fixed on the porch. Charles is driving us crazy with his constant and perpetual meowing to go outside. There were a couple of holes in the screen, and he figured out his escape path. So until we get that fixed, he is banned from going on the porch. It's like giving a kid a toy, and then taking it away from them. All they want is the toy. And so it has been with Charles.
So see, you really haven't missed to much. I'm too busy to have anything exciting actually happen! Love to you all..........

Thursday, February 09, 2006

Ode to My Mom

I can say with confidence that I have a wonderful mother. Everyone should be as blessed as me. She means so much to me and I love her for so many reasons. She has always been my number one supporter through everything I have done. Whether it be changing my job to changing bedroom furniture around. She constantly builds me up and tells me that she is proud of me and loves me. Though I think she has always been my best friend, it has become more fully solidified the past couple of years. I know I can call her with anything, even if all I have are complaints and gripes over something. She listens to me and is always there to tell me everything will be o.k. She is the epitome of what it means to have faith and keep plugging along. Many trials have come and gone with new ones presenting themselves as we speak, but she has faced all of them with stregnth that I know can only come from God, and over come them all with pure Grace. She teaches me all sorts of useful bits of wisdom. One recent favorite of mine, "You may not be able to control everything your husband does, but know that he can't control everything you do either!" I love my mom. Only she could make me laugh with something like that. Though she often times thinks she's "a failure" (what ever that means) she is anything but. I don't know where she gets these crazy thoughts from. No one can be perfect, that's for sure, but just by making one mistake or not living up to what society views as success in no way makes one a failure. She has constantly reminded me that I "married my dad". She loves Nick and since he is a lot like my dad she has fun getting a rise out of him! :) This I just watch with amusement. Although she is very independent in her own right, she also portrays what it is to be a submissive wife. I have learned a lot from this. I have watched her faithfully support my father for the last 26 years, while at the same time doing her own thing. I think this is key to any successful marriage. If I am half as good a mother and wife as she has been, I will consider myself successful.

I love you MOM! Hope the rest of your week is better.

Monday, February 06, 2006

What's in a dream?

So, lately I've been having all these dreams that I am pregnant. Just to clarify - I AM NOT PREGNANT. It's been freaking me out, though. What does it mean? The other night, I could feel the baby kicking in my dream. What is making me have these dreams? I've thought about it and it could be for any of the following reasons:
1) Everyone around me is pregnant and/ or just had a baby and I've been surrounded by it 24/7, work, school, church....
2)I have this overwhelming fear of becoming extremely fat, and being pregnant heightens this fear. Hince, my subconscious is telling me to exercise more? Yeah...what ever that means...
3)God wants me to have children soon. To which I beg- "please let me finish grad school first"! :)
4)I am realizing that school will be finished in a short 2 years, and that's the time we've decided to have children. That's not very far off people!!!

It's probably for the first reason, but I don't usually have dreams that are recurring.....Except there was a phase I went through in school where I kept dreaming I was going to school naked and not realizing it until I was already in class. Talk about a nightmare! I have written that one off to the highly critical girls I went to junior high school with who could squash your spirit like a bug in a split second. Ah, I don't really miss those days too much.
So am I the only psycho who has recurring dreams, or do you have some, too?

Tuesday, January 31, 2006

The Rat Race

I'm currently running it - at full speed. I have hardly had time to pee lately! Work is running me into the ground this week. I knew it would be busy, but it's almost out of control. I am praying for a chance to catch my breath, but I do not foresee that in the near future.
On a happier note, all other aspects of my life are running pretty smoothly. Nick and I took our beautiful picture for the new church directory this week. That was an experience. The man taking our picture said, "Yea, I am excited to have a young couple. I've been taking pictures of old people all day." Can you believe he said something like that? (Dick, did you go in that day for your picture? :)
Nick is getting over losing his voice. I am glad that he is feeling better. I have been studying all week for an Economics test that will count for 40% of my final grade, so pray for me tonight as I take that.
I apologize I have nothing interesting or witty to say. Maybe next time! :0) I hope everyone is having a fabulous week!

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Bad hair day

Yeah, we all have them, I know, but it always seems so much more dramatic when it happens to you. What's the deal? How can one day my hair be awesome and perfectly in control, and the next day my best attempts result in an Animal-from-the-Muppets-like appearance? It's those days when even a pony tail looks horrid. How can you mess up a pony tail?! I still haven't figured it out - it's the same hair I had yesterday! I would just shave it all off, but my vanity won't allow it. Thus, the saga continues....

Friday, January 20, 2006

Feeling a Little Overwhelmed

I'm sure everyone goes through several day spans of feeling like they need about 35 hours in the day. Well, the next few days are spawning those feelings as we speak.

This weekend I must:
-Clean the entire house. I am baffled how a house can become so dirty and messy when no one is ever there! It's got to be the 8th wonder of the world.
-Laundry. Must I say more? The dirty clothes hamper, I am convinced, leads into the great abyss. Everytime I reach inside, I pull out more clothes that need washing. I can only imagine what it will be like when we have kids!
-Work in the yard. Yeah, we still haven't finished the landscaping in the front yard.
-Homework. I'll restrain myself from making inappropriate comments.........I brought this on myself. I can blame no one but myself. Dumb myself.....
-Help with Youth Night - My weekly wifely DCE duties.
-Practice for and play my trumpet for Sunday service. eye yi yi!
-7 dust Charles for fleas. It's the poor people's way of getting rid of fleas and ticks on their pets........and yes, you can use it on plants, too.
-Cook. But you know I really don't mind that.
-Balance the check book, and make sure all of our tax information is together in the same folder.

Seriously......I'm not sure I have time to get all this stuff done? But, somehow, it allways seems to get done, and life goes on. It's going to be a long couple of days.

Thursday, January 19, 2006

Reasons #1,628 - 1,633 why I love my husband........

-He makes me feel better after a horrible day at work.

-He knows just what to do to redeem his good name after making me mad with a less than flattering comment regarding (fill in the blank).

-His laugh when he thinks something is REALLY funny makes me laugh, too.

-He claims to like my cooking, but isn't afraid to give his honest opinion when he thinks a dish "could be better" (Disclaimer: This is initially VERY annoying, but in the end, I have made some things better, I must admit. I do appreciate the honesty.)

-He unselfishly allows, and supports my dreams and goals (i.e. my MBA). Even though it's a big sacrifice, I have never once heard him complain or make a negative comment regarding furthering my education.

I must admit I thank God constantly for blessing me with MY "perfect" partner.

(I apologize for the exorbinant amount of "mushy, lovey-dovey" material submitted in this entry, but I must give credit where credit is due:))

Tuesday, January 17, 2006


So, as you read in the previous post, this past Sunday was Middle School Jello Night! Can you imagine? Praise to my great Lord that everything went pretty well. The night required the preparation of 43, count them 43, boxes of Jello. Jello has a really funky smell after a while, and I'm pretty sure I won't be eating any in the near future. Plus, after seeing feet in some kind of food, it really doesn't make you want to go out and chow it down.
Although it is kind of an "expected" thing for me to help with the youth since I am the DCE wife, I do enjoy it. It allows me to give back my time. In my hectic schedule, I sometimes have to remind myself to go to the bathroom (jk). I seem to make time for everything else, and forget about God sometimes. This gives me great accountability and way to serve Him. It's funny how I reap the benefits of serving. God wasn't playing when he said he would fill our cup full and overflowing.

Monday, January 16, 2006

I have a Dream.....

Since this is Martin Luther King Jr. Day, I thought I would talk about my "dream". As Nick and I were preparing 43 boxes of Jell-o for Middle School Jell-o night, we got to talking and amidst the talk, I unveiled my dream job. Most of you would not be surprised at this in the least.
If I had all the money in the world, and could do whatever I darn well pleased, I would own and operate my personal catering service. This would ultimately in theory fufill all my needs, utilize all of my strengths, and incorporate my passions.
How awesome of a job would that be? I would get to put my MBA to good use with the operations, marketing, and financing aspects of the business. It would be a sort of make your own rules, schedule type of a job. I would get to do one of my most favorite things in the world - cook and get PAID for it! And to top it all off, I would get to use my impeccable customer service skills.
This got me all excited, because I never did have a dream job in the back of my mind. It's sort of sad, isn't it?
Will this ever come to be? Being an entrepreneur is not conducive to my personality. It takes great risk both monitarily and emotionally. My wonderfully supportive husband said maybe once I graduate, try it out part-time on the weekends on a very small scale.
For now it's all a dream in this little head of mine, but maybe someday.......

P.S. On a different note, I wonder if MLK Jr. was Lutheran.....

Thursday, January 12, 2006

I should have been in MAC.....

For all of you that aren't Concordia alum, MAC stands for Multicultural Awareness Culb. I wasn't a member during my days at CUNE, but now I could be the president! For those of you who don't know, I am the one and only white person in my work area. It's kind of weird being a minority, but the people I work with are too much fun. My immediate team consists of Antina who is half Puerto Rican, half black, Tracy who is black, Edna who is Puerto Rican, and my Manager David who is Puerto Rican. On top of that, my team works right by the Latin America correspondence team. They all call me Dulce (pronounced dulc a )which means "sweet" in Spanish. I kind of like it, which is a good thing since people call me that more than they call me by my given name! I have learned so much about Puerto Rican culture. It's been really neat. For example, you will never find a PR male wearing anything with a bull on it. This is because bulls are associated with men whose wives are cheating on them. I wonder if any PR's attend USF (their mascot is the bull). Pretty interesting, aye?
I have also been learning a little of the language. I still don't understand 90% of what is being said, but every once in a while I can pick something out of a near by conversation. And no - I'm not ease dropping. They just talk REALLY loudly - especially my mgr. :)
It's an environment like no other I've ever worked in. They are very fun loving and sincere people. They have embraced and included me from the get-go, and I will always be thankful for that. I'd like to think that I have educated them on some "white folk" stuff, as well. The other day I explained to them what a "buckle bunny" was. That was fun!! They all got a big kick out of it. They are also big practical jokers, so there is never a dull moment around here. So anyway, here is a picture of my coworkers! I thought you should meet them since I spend more time with them than with Nick!

I like this one because we look so intimidating!

We have way too much fun at work some times! Are we adorable?

Here is the final one. Although it's a crappy picture of me, it's the only one that David is included. What can I say, I'm a white girl in a multicultural world!

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Back to school, Back to school.........

Today I start my second semester. Economics (Micro and Global), and Accounting (Financial and Managerial) will be the fun I will partake in for the next 16 weeks. Why am I doing this to myself again? Will this all pay off in the long run, or am I wasting time and money? I guess I will have to wait to find the answer to that question.
Some days I am still really excited about returning for my MBA, and other days, I think I'm certifiable. I have chosen USF - The University of South Florida in Tampa -to further my education. There are positives and negatives related to this - I have to drive into Tampa twice a week (about 45 minutes one way), but all of the classes are offered at night. I have to take all the "tool" classes since I didn't graduate from USF as an Undergraduate. :P Absurd I say!, but I have sucked it up and will not let 21 extra hours deter me. I do say it is re-gosh-darn-diculous that I have to take basic accounting classes when that was my minor! The university's business department holds the highest accreditation a school of Business can hold - that will hopefully look nice on a resume.
So, anyway I've been dealing with the department of redundancy department as I retake "refresher" courses that I took my last couple of years at old Concordia. I'm hoping that it will instill a bode of confidence in me before I start the core program this coming fall. I did o.k. last semester. I guess we'll see....
I have decided to go back to school now - before I have children. After I have kids, I know I will never want to go back. So, there you have it - all who were wondering when we are going to have kids - not for at least another 3 years. We will re-evaluate at that time. :)
So now that you are bored out of your mind reading things that are only of concern to me, I will sign off for now. Wish me luck tonight!

Monday, January 09, 2006

I Adore Being a Girl......Sometimes

So, it has come to my attention that women, although we are the more intelligent sex, have many more things to deal with than our male counterparts. I have come to believe that men cannot behave in any sociably acceptable, or fully functioning sort of way without the aide of a woman. Then again, I think it is probably an act so we will do everything for them.
Take my loving husband for example. He is a DIRECTOR of Christian Education. He organizes huge events, orchestrates them, and insures that they run smoothly. Why then, did it take me (literally) 15 minutes to explain to him how to pay the mortgage?
Men don't have to worry about a monthly inconvenience - which for me usually spawns a migraine. DOUBLE FUN! They don't have to worry with the pains of childbirth. They don't have to pay bills, or cook, or clean much of anything (at least mine doesn't). What DO they have to do?
I have thought about this for a long while and it suddenly occurred to me - HE HAS TO PUT UP WITH ME! :)

Friday, January 06, 2006

Green Thumb? We'll see.....

So it's almost the weekend - in about 10 minutes! What does a 23 year old Floridian do for fun on the weekend? Work in her yard, of course!
My newest project is doing some landscaping to the front of our house. This is a picture of our little house right after we bought this past summer. After paying thousands of dollars over the last six months in mortgage payments, I reckon we own part of the closet in the front room. But, now I've strayed from my topic....
As you can see, there really isn't much landscaping to the front - a couple of bushes and a rock garden. The plan is to take out all the rocks, plant two nice plants between the windows, plant some flowers under the window closest to the door, and mulch around everything.
Pray that I don't throw out my back scooping rocks! I will post an "after" picture if everything turns out o.k.

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

At least my hair's not blue yet

I'm sure everyone has a venting medium. For me, it's cooking. To help facilitate my crutch, my husband got me the most awesome Christmas present - a Kitchen Aid Mixer. It is quite fabulous, and red to match my kitchen! Other husbands might be permanently shipped to the dog house for buying their wife a kitchen appliance, but not mine.

Anyone who knows me knows my passion for the kitchen. If I had tons of money - and friends to invite! - I would entertain all the time. I once pondered the idea of making it my profession, but I reniged. First, I'm not all that great - I just like to pretend and make Nick tell me how phenomenal my skills are. And Second, it's been statistically proven that you tend to lose passion for something if you start getting paid for doing it (I know there are exceptions to this rule, but why risk having the passion, for something that brings me joy, dissipate?)

My aunt calls me Ms. Betty Crocker - ha ha ha. I must admit, however, that I am rather old-ladyish in several aspects. I crochet, I cook dinner most every night, I don't stay up past 10:30 90% of the time, and grow my own tomatoes in pots in the back yard. Yikes, it's almost disturbing to put this in writing one right after the other! :)

But, whatever, that's who I am. Does anyone have any good recipes?

Tuesday, January 03, 2006


Greetings to everyone. I hope y'all had an awesome Christmas and New Years. I know I did. My family came down to visit for a few days and I really enjoyed the time we had together even though it was only for a few days. I can't wait to see them again.

So, I guess everyone is busy making New Year's resolutions. I've never been the resolution type, even though I'm a pretty goal oriented person. Is it laziness, or just sheer apathy? I don't know. Kudos to all who partake in the tradition.

It's back to the grindstone today at work. I thoroughly enjoyed my break from the Marriott monotony. It stinks being a grown-up sometimes. Every once in a while I question the significance of my contribution to this world. I still don't know exactly what I want to be "when I grow up". This is for you Julianna - "My life is a riddle, wrapped in an enigma, wrapped in a vest", and I just haven't dissected it yet! There is a good chance that I may never, either. But, I'll try my very best to enjoy the ride along the path to enlightenment. :)

***I don't think that last part made any sense what-so-ever, but oh well.***

Anywho, I best be signing off for now. Good luck reading my psycho-babble!