Wednesday, March 29, 2006


I had a great conversation with my best friend from high school last night. She is doing great and might be getting engaged shortly. Then - the super genius that I am - got to thinking that her last name is going to change. How weird will it be to call her Miller?
Anyway, all of this got me thinking about high school. Don't worry, I'm not one of those poor souls hanging on, and living vicariously through the memories of days now past. To me, HS seems like a life time ago. I guess in some ways it is. So much has changed - not only in the world, but in me as well. I wonder about what changes life has brought to my classmates, and where they are/ what they are doing now. Since I live literally half way across the US from my home town, and haven't been back in quite some time now, and tend to lose touch with the grand happenings of Eden. If Kim gets married, that will mean I'll have a reason to go back and see some people. That just gets me worked up. What do you say to people that you haven't seen in years? It's so WEIRD! Yet, in a way, I would be as happy as a lark to catch up. This, I believe, is spawned by my curiosity of how people are now. Have they changed? Are they married? Do they have kids? I guess I'll find out some day.
The old 10 year reunion is a mere 4 years away! Now that's a scary thought!


Dutch not German is said...

ACK! I better get started losing those 10 pounds for the 10 year reunion now. It is a bit wierd to not know where those people are in life. But there is something to be said for moving on and becoming a grown up.

melthedce said...

i am a jerk... i haven't talked to you in forever! I miss you guys so much! Talk to you soon i hope!