Sunday, January 16, 2011

Happy New Year! 2011

Can anyone seriously believe that it's the year 2011? This is the year my husband turns 30; this is the year of many wonderful things to come.
We are home from our vacation to Missouri, and back to the real world. It is my busiest time of the year. Between mid December and mid February, the group I manage will receive, process, post, and reconcile just under $1 billion dollars. I have been working like a banshee since I got back. I don't even want to think about how many hours I've put in. It's times like this I'd like to forget I'm salaried. Eh well. I gotta keep counting my blessings, and not my burdens. The Lord has provided me with a great job, a great boss, and a great challenge using all the skills and gifts he's given me.
Speaking of working, Nick's "slow" time is usually January, but I guess he just can't get enough. :) This year he was presented with the opportunity to sit on the board of the very first NADCE conference committee. (National Association of Directors of Christian Education.) The event was held the first weekend in January in Orlando, and was a great success. He has also been blessed to be a part of some really amazing things in our district and synod.
Nick and I have officially booked our very first "real" vacation since our honeymoon. In March, we are going skiing in Colorado. We are both extremely excited. Nick's parents have agreed to come down and "nanny". It is Nadine's spring break. It will be hard to leave Natalie for several days, but at the same time, I know it will be a good thing for all of us.
Natalie has officially started her "where's ___" and "what's that" stage. I answer hundreds of these questions every day. Lots of them in rapid succession. She is such a darling and a joy. She knows all of her colors, and can count to 10. She is currently working on 11 and 12. She has been potty trained during the day (completely) for a couple of months now. Just a diaper at night, but I know that will come with time. She continues to be an outstanding eater. There are few things that she will not eat. Her latest craze, however, is soup. She LOVES soup. Anything from chili to turkey vegetable to egg drop. She is a fan. For a treat she is always asking for a candy cane. She is still long wearing 2T and 3T clothes and a size 7 shoe. Her hair is long and beautiful and has a very defined part on the left and right side, depending on which way you want to go. She is thriving at St. Paul, and we are so grateful to have such a wonderful place to take her during the day. She likes to color, and likes for you to draw pictures as she tells you what to draw. :)She can build Lego "castles" and towers quite proficiently for a two year old, and enjoys playing with Mrs. Potato Head also. She says "I love you" and sings songs. I could go on and on what a delight and joy she is to us. I'm so thankful God chose me to be her mommy.
Here are a couple more pictures from our holiday season:

Brainwashing at an early age...

What's better than a gift? The box the gift came in, of course!

Thanks for the gift Santa, but I think I'll keep my distance!

Bass Pro Fun

(She's going to kill me for this later.) Trying on Mom's undies! Ha Ha!

Sharing my toys with Bella.

The outlaws! :)

Special Bath Time Colors, Mommy! :)

Monday, January 03, 2011

December 2010

Well it was a great year for the Moss household. Natalie continues to grow and be a joy to our lives. Candace and I figured out that Natalie has been on 8 round trip airplane rides over her short 2 years of life! I was 17 before my first plane ride! I guess that's what happens when you live in Florida and most of your family lives in Missouri and Texas.
Here are some pictures from December. Enjoy!