Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Staying in Florida

I don't know if we ever let everyone know or not, but the Holy Spirit has called us to stay here in Lakeland and turn down the call to St. Mark's in Houston, TX.
Nick is very excited about all the wonderful things coming up this year with his youth ministry at St. Paul and we both look forward to our continued service to the Lord in the Sunshine state!

Monday, August 25, 2008

Belly Shot a little late

Sorry for the delay. This shot was taken around 26 weeks, so we are already 4 weeks behind, as I am now about 30 weeks. I am getting bigger and so is Natalie!

Make New Friends but Keep the Old

As mentioned in a previous post, Nick and I were blessed to be able to attend our good friend from college (Josh Theilen's)ordination as a pastor. Good times were had (mostly :)) - we are like a big family when we get together. Here are some highlights of the weekend in pictures.

Family shots:

The Theilen's - Josh & Rebekah, Ethan (3), Ellianna (16 mo), & T3 in progress.

The Perkins' - Jake and Tara, Madalyn (11 mo)

The Moll's - Tommy and Laura (Tommy and Nick went to HS together and roomed together in college. Everyone but Laura is a CUNE grad. Laura went to HS with Jake and Josh, and that is how she met Tommy. And it comes full circle!)

The Moss'- Nick & Candace, Natalie in progress

The Ordination:

All the Pastors praying over Josh

The "new" Pastor Theilen! - Also installed at Trinity Lutheran, Hoyleton, IL

Yea for Josh! All the college and high school friends who came to celebrate!

You know you live in a small town when you live on Main Street and this is the view of your back yard:

Hoyleton, IL - Population 550

Fun Times:

Jake and Madalyn & Josh and Ellianna - Daddys with their Daughters

The girls hanging out on the front porch in the evening.

Ethan enjoys his ice cream.

My new best friend - Madalyn Perkins

Madalyn gives Nick some "practice". :)

Tara, Madalyn, and I enjoy the big Hoyleton parade.

Nick and Jake - Cheese factor at a level 10.

Tara and I duel it out playing Tennis on the Wii. Very fun!

Keeping true to "Tommy will do almost anything for $5", he entertained us all by successfully climbing in to Ethan's toy car. Five dollars well spent Jake, and five dollars well earned Tommy! :)

As you can see, it was a great time and we enjoyed each other's company immensely. Can't wait to see you all again! Hopefully next year!

Friday, August 22, 2008

Working for the weekend

It has been a week here at MVCI. This has really been my first "real" week in my new job. I was finally able to get moved so I am with my team now, and this is the first week we started our new work rotation. I'm experimenting, but hopefully my plan will help them to both learn the processes better, and to be more efficient. I, meanwhile, have been trying to figure out goals (team and individual), meeting with my new boss, trying to get some other ideas I have rolling, finagling with our IT department to get access to systems and drives for both myself and my associates, and dealing with my first "confrontational" issue. All this, and the tropical storm! Geez. God is faithful, though, and I am surviving just fine. All this hubbub sure does make the day fly by fast!
Tropical Storm Fay: We were very fortunate that the storm zagged to the east of us and is still today pummelling the east coast. We have friends (Dave and Sonya) who live in the Cocoa Beach area and the last time we talked to them they had received about 25 inches of rain!!!! I know they are thankful they live in a second story apartment. Roads and schools have been closed over there virtually all week long. We had Tuesday off of work and school here in Lakeland as the storm passed over us, but we were back at it on Wednesday. The rain/mist has continued all week, but we have been blessed to not have any flooding. Nick and I just enjoyed a nice day at home finishing the transition pieces on the floors (our floors are official finished!!!!!), and hanging new doors. We also relaxed and watched a movie and the Olympics in the evening. During the day we got a nice surprise on our doorstep. Nana and Grandpa Moss (Nadine and Gary) sent Natalie her bedding! It looks great. We got it all out and put it in the crib even though it still looks a little strange without a mattress. :) We'll get that soon enough. Thanks again Nana and Grandpa!!
This week I also went to the eye doctor. Let me tell you how much I dislike going to the eye doctor. I have never been able to stand my eyes being messed with in any way, so going there is the ultimate torture - the blowing of the air, the drops, the bright lights shining in your eyes. Ugh! I told Nick I would rather go to the OBGYN. I know. I'm weird. The good news is I did get some cute new glasses out of the deal. They are "berry" colored and kind of squarish - a fun change.
Well, I guess that's about it for now. I am determined to get access to our pictures this weekend so I can share them with you. Nick has them all and he has been "too busy" to load them on Snapfish, thus I do not have access to them. :(
Only a few more hours until the weekend!! Yea!

Thursday, August 14, 2008


My MBA graduation ceremony was Saturday at the USF Sun Dome in Tampa - right next to the building where I took all of my classes. It was a lovely ceremony, and I made it across the stage without tripping! I was blessed to have my mother here as well as my mother and father-in-law. My Aunt Elaine was also able to be there and graciously opened her house to us afterwards for goodies and visiting. Chocolate Eclair Cake.....yummmmm, and yes, it is as good as it sounds.

Our floors are finished and the baseboards are installed!!!! All that is left is the little bit of trim work we have entering the rooms (transition pieces). We only ran into on little hitch - the elliptical machine wouldn't fit out the door and in the hallway to move it to the other room. But, with the help of our terrific parents, we partially disassembled it and got it moved! And it still works fabulously - I did a 30 minute workout last night on it! We will definitely have to post some "before" and "after" pictures. It really looks great if I do say so myself! :) The thing we are now currently working on is replacing all the interior doors in our house. 2 are up, 7 to go! They also look great.

In other news, now that the furniture is all back where it is supposed to go and things are all set up, Charles has taken over the guest room. We think that he thinks that is HIS room. He has been taking most of his naps on the bed in that room, and it is pretty interesting since he NEVER sleeps on beds. It's funny. :)

Baby news:
*Everything continues to go well. At my last checkup on Monday, the doctor said to "keep doing whatever you are doing" because everything looked wonderful. Praise God! I will now start seeing him every two weeks instead of every 4.

*The date for the Baptism has been set for November 30, 2008, the weekend after Thanksgiving. Mom found my dress and shoes from my baptism that Natalie Shea will wear for hers! My Dad (Papa) will be doing the baptism. How special. Thanks Mom and Dad!

*The crib and dresser have arrived, and they are beautiful! Mom and I spent one afternoon putting the crib together. I know Nick appreciated that - one less thing I'd be nagging him to get done. :) Pictures to come on that, too.

Other than that, we have just been taking it easy the past couple of days relaxing after all the craziness and enjoying watching the Olympics. Aren't the athletes amazing? Enjoy your week everyone!

Thursday, August 07, 2008

PANAMA 2008....Trust God, Trust Milton

So on July 3rd at 3:15 in the morning, 5 people gathered at Pastor Ron and Barb's house to start an amazing journey. The best way I know how to give you details about this trip is to list highlights and try to match up some pictures with those highlights. So here we go:
Our group plus some friends we met along the way

July 3
Participants: Nick Moss, Barb Pennekamp (Pastor's wife, mom to 7, amazing woman of faith) Tabitha (college senior), Andrew (college sophomore), Sid (college sophomore)
Fly from Orlando to Miami to Panama City.
Meet Milton, who is the Lutheran church's President and our leader for the week.
REalize that driving in Panama is different than the U.S.; Milton teaches us a new phrase "Trust God, Trust Milton" We learn to say this often in the van.
Get settled in Balboa (just outside of Panama City) at Redeemer Lutheran Church. There is 2 bedrooms with blow-up mattresses, a kitchen, bathroom, and meeting space, and most importantly-AIRCONDITIONING!

July 4
Vist a Pastor and his congregation outside of Panama City. Go into homes and pray with people....cool experience.
Buy fireworks and almost get arrested....Happy B-Day America

July 5
Travel to Sora (2 hours from Panama City) in the mountains and stay with Pastor Martinho.
Meet the kids of the congregation and play soccer and taught them how to make s'mores
Spent most of the night laughing at many things, including the bat that kept flying over me as I was trying to sleep...yes, there was a bat in the house
Sid learning how to eat a Mango that just fell off of the tree

July 6
Worship at the church and it is all in Spanish....but still in God's language
Travel back to Panama City
Lutheran Church in Sora (don't need walls!)

July 7
I get to drive to our group to meet Pastor Jorge and meet some of his church members (it was awesome to drive in a foreign country)
Drive back after lunch and help teach English as a second Language at a church near Panama City.
Dr. Miller (the Muslim Expert) and Pastor Jorge
Teaching English by playing "Go Fish"

July 8
Spend time with pastors and church leaders at a workshop on Muslims put on by CALMS (the organization we were working with)

July 9
More Muslim Workshop
Visit Panama Canal
This ship paid $180,000 to pass through the canal...small little fee considering 6 months ago a ship paid 1.3 million dollars to pass through....fee is based on cargo
July 10
Fly Home

There of course was much more that happened and God worked through our Group to share Christ's love with the people that we met. If you want more stories from Panama, just call me up. I would be happy to share.

Friday, August 01, 2008

A "Marital Moment" for my friend Julianna and others to enjoy

So, last night I finally corralled Nick into working on the floor, and we got significant progress made! Yeah for us. Anyway, being pregnant has severely limited my wardrobe and when I arrive home from work I find myself grabbing a pair of athletic shorts (yea for stretchy waist bands) and one of Nick's t-shirts. Not very attractive I assure you, but it fits and it's comfortable.
Well, last night I had on last year's VBS shirt - mustard yellow paired with my fashionable canary yellow shorts. Nick started laughing and said that I looked ridiculous in two different shades of yellow. I said, "Oh well, these are my working clothes (floors), and no one will see me but you."
He went off to change into his work clothes and we got started laying flooring. It wasn't maybe five minutes later we were carrying some planks back to the bed room I stopped dead in my tracks seeing him walking down the hall and started to laugh so hard I was crying.....
Nick had put on his yellow mesh shorts and his neon yellow VBS shirt from this year!!!! He is too funny.
A little later I turned to him and said, "We should take a picture of ourselves in our hideous yellow getup." He just rolled his eyes and said, "I knew you were going to say that." :)
And this is another reason I love him so.