Friday, August 22, 2008

Working for the weekend

It has been a week here at MVCI. This has really been my first "real" week in my new job. I was finally able to get moved so I am with my team now, and this is the first week we started our new work rotation. I'm experimenting, but hopefully my plan will help them to both learn the processes better, and to be more efficient. I, meanwhile, have been trying to figure out goals (team and individual), meeting with my new boss, trying to get some other ideas I have rolling, finagling with our IT department to get access to systems and drives for both myself and my associates, and dealing with my first "confrontational" issue. All this, and the tropical storm! Geez. God is faithful, though, and I am surviving just fine. All this hubbub sure does make the day fly by fast!
Tropical Storm Fay: We were very fortunate that the storm zagged to the east of us and is still today pummelling the east coast. We have friends (Dave and Sonya) who live in the Cocoa Beach area and the last time we talked to them they had received about 25 inches of rain!!!! I know they are thankful they live in a second story apartment. Roads and schools have been closed over there virtually all week long. We had Tuesday off of work and school here in Lakeland as the storm passed over us, but we were back at it on Wednesday. The rain/mist has continued all week, but we have been blessed to not have any flooding. Nick and I just enjoyed a nice day at home finishing the transition pieces on the floors (our floors are official finished!!!!!), and hanging new doors. We also relaxed and watched a movie and the Olympics in the evening. During the day we got a nice surprise on our doorstep. Nana and Grandpa Moss (Nadine and Gary) sent Natalie her bedding! It looks great. We got it all out and put it in the crib even though it still looks a little strange without a mattress. :) We'll get that soon enough. Thanks again Nana and Grandpa!!
This week I also went to the eye doctor. Let me tell you how much I dislike going to the eye doctor. I have never been able to stand my eyes being messed with in any way, so going there is the ultimate torture - the blowing of the air, the drops, the bright lights shining in your eyes. Ugh! I told Nick I would rather go to the OBGYN. I know. I'm weird. The good news is I did get some cute new glasses out of the deal. They are "berry" colored and kind of squarish - a fun change.
Well, I guess that's about it for now. I am determined to get access to our pictures this weekend so I can share them with you. Nick has them all and he has been "too busy" to load them on Snapfish, thus I do not have access to them. :(
Only a few more hours until the weekend!! Yea!

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