For all of you that aren't Concordia alum, MAC stands for Multicultural Awareness Culb. I wasn't a member during my days at CUNE, but now I could be the president! For those of you who don't know, I am the one and only white person in my work area. It's kind of weird being a minority, but the people I work with are too much fun. My immediate team consists of Antina who is half Puerto Rican, half black, Tracy who is black, Edna who is Puerto Rican, and my Manager David who is Puerto Rican. On top of that, my team works right by the Latin America correspondence team. They all call me Dulce (pronounced dulc a )which means "sweet" in Spanish. I kind of like it, which is a good thing since people call me that more than they call me by my given name! I have learned so much about Puerto Rican culture. It's been really neat. For example, you will never find a PR male wearing anything with a bull on it. This is because bulls are associated with men whose wives are cheating on them. I wonder if any PR's attend USF (their mascot is the bull). Pretty interesting, aye?
I have also been learning a little of the language. I still don't understand 90% of what is being said, but every once in a while I can pick something out of a near by conversation. And no - I'm not ease dropping. They just talk REALLY loudly - especially my mgr. :)
It's an environment like no other I've ever worked in. They are very fun loving and sincere people. They have embraced and included me from the get-go, and I will always be thankful for that. I'd like to think that I have educated them on some "white folk" stuff, as well. The other day I explained to them what a "buckle bunny" was. That was fun!! They all got a big kick out of it. They are also big practical jokers, so there is never a dull moment around here. So anyway, here is a picture of my coworkers! I thought you should meet them since I spend more time with them than with Nick!
I like this one because we look so intimidating!
We have way too much fun at work some times! Are we adorable?
Here is the final one. Although it's a crappy picture of me, it's the only one that David is included. What can I say, I'm a white girl in a multicultural world!
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