Tuesday, January 31, 2006

The Rat Race

I'm currently running it - at full speed. I have hardly had time to pee lately! Work is running me into the ground this week. I knew it would be busy, but it's almost out of control. I am praying for a chance to catch my breath, but I do not foresee that in the near future.
On a happier note, all other aspects of my life are running pretty smoothly. Nick and I took our beautiful picture for the new church directory this week. That was an experience. The man taking our picture said, "Yea, I am excited to have a young couple. I've been taking pictures of old people all day." Can you believe he said something like that? (Dick, did you go in that day for your picture? :)
Nick is getting over losing his voice. I am glad that he is feeling better. I have been studying all week for an Economics test that will count for 40% of my final grade, so pray for me tonight as I take that.
I apologize I have nothing interesting or witty to say. Maybe next time! :0) I hope everyone is having a fabulous week!

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