Friday, January 06, 2006

Green Thumb? We'll see.....

So it's almost the weekend - in about 10 minutes! What does a 23 year old Floridian do for fun on the weekend? Work in her yard, of course!
My newest project is doing some landscaping to the front of our house. This is a picture of our little house right after we bought this past summer. After paying thousands of dollars over the last six months in mortgage payments, I reckon we own part of the closet in the front room. But, now I've strayed from my topic....
As you can see, there really isn't much landscaping to the front - a couple of bushes and a rock garden. The plan is to take out all the rocks, plant two nice plants between the windows, plant some flowers under the window closest to the door, and mulch around everything.
Pray that I don't throw out my back scooping rocks! I will post an "after" picture if everything turns out o.k.


Anonymous said...

I hope that the outside project goes well. You live in a place where it will probably be pretty easy to beautify your yard. I had a little fun trying it in Indiana, but here it is not an option. We are sooo dry. There have been lots of fires in the area. We sure need rain. Pastor Lubke needs to pray harder or we'll be getting another bag of pinto beans on pay day!

hannah said...

where are your mom and dad at?

lubke-moss said...

They are just outside Wichita Falls, TX - not too far away from you. They are actually coming up to Messiah when Concordia chior is coming to perform - in March, I think.