Friday, February 17, 2006

It's been a while

I haven't died, although I've prayed for death a couple times in the last few weeks. :) I haven't know busy until recently. But, anyway, here's a little recap of what's been going on the past week.
Last weekend Nick and I finally got our landscaping put in (Just in time for our first and only hard freeze of the year.) We covered all our new plants with sheets, and I think they are all going to make it. One got a little burned, but hopefully it will perk back up. The banana trees didn't fair so well. They look pretty sad. I hope they won't die on me.
Valentine's day came and went with me spending a romantic evening in class, and Nick enjoying a romantic dinner with my grandparents. You know we like to spend all the romantic holidays with family. It's been our tradition so far!
Tonight is Pastor Goff's big surprise party for his Doctorate. I made a big salad last night, and a batch of my family's world famous salsa.
This weekend, we will hopefully get our baseboards put in and our screen fixed on the porch. Charles is driving us crazy with his constant and perpetual meowing to go outside. There were a couple of holes in the screen, and he figured out his escape path. So until we get that fixed, he is banned from going on the porch. It's like giving a kid a toy, and then taking it away from them. All they want is the toy. And so it has been with Charles.
So see, you really haven't missed to much. I'm too busy to have anything exciting actually happen! Love to you all..........

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