Tuesday, October 03, 2006

The Armadillo

Have you ever seen one of these repulsive creatures? Well I have, and I saw it last night about 5 feet from me. They are gross! So, it was bedtime, and time for Charles to come inside for the night. He seemed mesmorized by something in the bushes. I figured it was the neighbor cat again that likes to come over and play sometimes. But there was no meowing. And this "thing" kept moving.

So I do what any other damsel in distress would do. I screamed for Nick to come out there and rescue me. "There's something in the bushes!!!! Get out here!" Just grab the cat and come in he replys. There is no way I'm going out there not knowing what in the world is waiting for me. What if it were a skunk, and it was rabid, or it sprayed me?

Just then the "thing" emerged from the bushes. And behold, it was a nasty armadillo digging around the yard for his dinner. This thing is pretty big too. So I scream. Finally, this gets Nick's attention. He comes out and says, "Oh, it's just an armadillo." Just an armadillo!! This nasty thing is in our yard just feet away from us and the cat. Now, I know that these things are blind, and nocturnal by nature. Nick, armed with the BBQ grilling brush, claps his hands really loud and stomps his foot. Like a lightening bolt, this thing books it across our yard to it's apparent home under our shed in the back yard. ........Lovely. The horrid beast has made it's home inches from our porch. Great. How do I know this you say? I saw the nasty thing early one morning a couple of weeks ago rooting around our back yard. Plus it ran in a perfecly straight line right to the hole below our shed....like he'd been there a time or two.

So, does anyone know how to get rid of an armadillo?


melthedce said...

um... armidillo repellent? you should check it out... see if they have it... if not... think about inventing it... you could make millions!

Miss you guys a ton!

do you know if you can make it to kendra and brian's wedding?

Anonymous said...

you forgot to mention that when you first saw it out our bedroom window, you woke me up at 6:00a.m. in the morning to see it! Not the way I enjoy waking up in the morning.