Friday, May 30, 2008

3,2,1 Blastoff! (Hopefully)

This weekend we are heading to the Space Coast to visit our friends from college, Dave and Sonya. (We are so glad they live close!)Tomorrow there is supposed to be a shuttle launch, and they are throwing a "launch party". It will be nice to visit them regardless, but I am so hoping that the launch will happen. I have always wanted to see one, but they are usually scheduled for weird times like Tuesday morning at 9:30 or something equally inconvenient. I've heard that watching one is spectacular, and Dave and Sonya have secured an awesome viewing spot atop a 9 story building!
I came in early to work today and am not taking a lunch break (eating at my desk while continuing to work)so I can get out of here early today! If all goes well, we will be on the east coast just after 5.
In other news, I finally finished the little pink baby dress I have been working on (on and off) since January. (I will try to take a couple pictures to post.)It has taken forever, but it looks awesome, if I do say so myself. I am my own worse critic, so it must be decent. I've decided that since I have invested hours upon hours making this, I have probably inevitably sealed the deal, and Peanut will be a boy. :)It seems strange to think that we will be finding out the sex in just a couple more weeks! I have my next Dr. appointment on Tuesday, and Dr. Langely said he would schedule my next sonogram at that time - within the following two weeks if everything goes as planned. I have about 98% convinced myself that Peanut is a boy (don't know why....just have a feeling), so it will take some getting used to if it's a girl. Don't get me wrong. I really would like to have one of each someday, so whatever God blesses us with, I will be thankful and excited either way! :)
Guess that's it for today. Hopefully the next post will have some great shuttle launch pictures!

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