Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Back to school, Back to school.........

Today I start my second semester. Economics (Micro and Global), and Accounting (Financial and Managerial) will be the fun I will partake in for the next 16 weeks. Why am I doing this to myself again? Will this all pay off in the long run, or am I wasting time and money? I guess I will have to wait to find the answer to that question.
Some days I am still really excited about returning for my MBA, and other days, I think I'm certifiable. I have chosen USF - The University of South Florida in Tampa -to further my education. There are positives and negatives related to this - I have to drive into Tampa twice a week (about 45 minutes one way), but all of the classes are offered at night. I have to take all the "tool" classes since I didn't graduate from USF as an Undergraduate. :P Absurd I say!, but I have sucked it up and will not let 21 extra hours deter me. I do say it is re-gosh-darn-diculous that I have to take basic accounting classes when that was my minor! The university's business department holds the highest accreditation a school of Business can hold - that will hopefully look nice on a resume.
So, anyway I've been dealing with the department of redundancy department as I retake "refresher" courses that I took my last couple of years at old Concordia. I'm hoping that it will instill a bode of confidence in me before I start the core program this coming fall. I did o.k. last semester. I guess we'll see....
I have decided to go back to school now - before I have children. After I have kids, I know I will never want to go back. So, there you have it - all who were wondering when we are going to have kids - not for at least another 3 years. We will re-evaluate at that time. :)
So now that you are bored out of your mind reading things that are only of concern to me, I will sign off for now. Wish me luck tonight!


Anonymous said...

You show great ambition and drive in going for that MBA. I have some of the same thoughts as you do, and sometimes wonder what in the world I am thinking. I could be enjoying some free time in this new stage of my life called the "empty nest" era. Instead, I return to the halls of academia adding more work and stress to my life. How silly is that?
Well, I am very proud of your endeavors! You go, girl!!

lubke-moss said...

Oh mom! You will be so happy once you get that Admin. certification. I know you will be a GREAT principal. Just think, you will have the power to whip people like Jonny June into shape! That would be incentive enough for me! I'm glad that you are getting your masters - and very proud of you too. Besides, this is the perfect time. What else are you going to do? You need your own thing apart from the church, as do I. We're just both independent women! ☺ You always know just what to say to make me feel better!
P.S. My Managerial Econ. professor is from Argentina and has a VERY thick accent - this should be fun! I Love you♥

Dutch not German is said...

awwww, I'm loving the love your mom give you! Hello, Candance's Mom!! You did a really good job with her, caue I like her a ton.

You are brave Ms. Moss, taking on classes. I'm holding off for another semester or so until I join you back in school. Man, just when I thought I was getting out...

melthedce said...

Candace wandace.... you can do it. The thought of it makes me want to throw up a little in my mouth but you can totally handle it and I think you are so right when you say it will pay off in the end! Keep it up!