I'm sure everyone has a venting medium. For me, it's cooking. To help facilitate my crutch, my husband got me the most awesome Christmas present - a Kitchen Aid Mixer. It is quite fabulous, and red to match my kitchen! Other husbands might be permanently shipped to the dog house for buying their wife a kitchen appliance, but not mine.
Anyone who knows me knows my passion for the kitchen. If I had tons of money - and friends to invite! - I would entertain all the time. I once pondered the idea of making it my profession, but I reniged. First, I'm not all that great - I just like to pretend and make Nick tell me how phenomenal my skills are. And Second, it's been statistically proven that you tend to lose passion for something if you start getting paid for doing it (I know there are exceptions to this rule, but why risk having the passion, for something that brings me joy, dissipate?)
My aunt calls me Ms. Betty Crocker - ha ha ha. I must admit, however, that I am rather old-ladyish in several aspects. I crochet, I cook dinner most every night, I don't stay up past 10:30 90% of the time, and grow my own tomatoes in pots in the back yard. Yikes, it's almost disturbing to put this in writing one right after the other! :)
But, whatever, that's who I am. Does anyone have any good recipes?
I have a good recipe for asian chicken noodle soup and "thai it" you'll like it chicken (courtesy of rachel ray)
That sounds pretty awesome. I like Rachel Ray the little that I've seen her. It's probably best that I don't have cable, or else my life would probabaly be consumed by food network and TLC.....:)
MMM rachel ray... my friend gave me two of her cookbooks for Christmas!
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