Much to my disappointment, Miss Natalie Shea did not cooperate for the sonogram yesterday. She was stuck down in her favorite spot fast asleep and would not wake up or move for anything. The sonogram tech said she was stubborn, but I like to think she is just a heavy sleeper (just like her daddy)! :) Would you believe we couldn't even get a good shot of her foot?! She had managed to wedge it between the uterus and placenta. We did see her big toe, though, and a few wisps of hair so we know she's going to have a little fuzz at least initially. :) I was really looking forward to getting a sneak peek, but no such luck. I guess I'll just have to wait my 3 or 4 more weeks. Poo.
Other good news is that my placenta moved up just fine (if you recall at the last sonogram in June it was slightly low), and is in a great position. No complications for delivery in that area.
The doctor said that her approximate weight right now is 6lbs 6oz - almost perfect he said, in the 54th percentile. He said she will probably be around 8lbs when she is born so we anticipate a very normal and healthy sized baby. He also said I was beginning to progress some, and at this point if anything happens, he'll just let it happen. He said she'll be considered full term next week.
I just can't believe it's getting so close. It is still somewhat surreal. We will be heading to Babies R Us this weekend for the "essentials" run. They are having a big sale this weekend, so hopefully we can find some of the items we need at a discount. I am really looking forward to the weekend. Work has been kind of a bear this week and is going to end on a stressful note. (Yuck. Sometimes being a manager is NOT fun.) I guess some weeks are just like that. That's why they call it work and pay you to be there. Even though maternity leave is no vacation, I am looking forward to the break from the office and time away from the day to day grind.
Here's wishing you a blessed and relaxing weekend!
Addi was a little stinker when it came to sonogram pictures too! She never wanted to cooperate- Always had her hand in front of her face! When she FINALLY decided to pose for her sono shots, it was wonderful! Hope Natalie is awake and ready for her picture to be taken next time around:)
Yes I feel like we live at Babies R Us right now. We got lots of coupons for our shower and when you get 20% off an item it is hard not to go and take advantage of it. We also plan to go to to Babies R Us and get some more essentials. I never realized how much babies needed. Hope you have a great weekend.
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