Wednesday, October 01, 2008

The 8th Wonder of the World

How can something so small need so many things?!?!

As time winds down, we find ourselves making a list of the things we still need to get before Miss Natalie Shea arrives (in five weeks!!!! Yikes!). We will more than likely make a run to Babies R Us next Saturday (Oct. 11th) to shop for the essentials.

Things we already have:
Furniture, blankets, a swaddler blankie, some clothes, diapers, wipes, lotion, cream, bedding, toys, bouncy seat, bassinet, boppy with one cover, pump with bags and sterilizing wipes, a few bottles with drying rack, baby utensils, thermometer, burp cloths, wash rags, 1 towel, stroller/carrier and one car seat base, books, monitor, diaper disposal, pacifiers

Things we still need to get:
Mattress, baby bath tub/mat, new parts for pump (friend gave me her pump, but I need to get new parts for it), diaper bag w/ changing mat, a second cover for the boppy and the changing pad, bottle brush, a few more onsies in little sizes, second car seat base, night light, clothes hamper, glider and ottoman (find out tomorrow if I "won" :)), a "coming home" outfit - to be picked out by Nick

Things I think we can wait a little bit on and/or do with out:
Pack n Play, sheets for PnP, activity/play mat, clothes in larger sizes, rug for the nursery, decorations to hang on the wall, closet organizer, mobile for crib

Alright all you moms out I missing something essential? Do I have something in one list I need to move to another? Was there something you wish you had, or wish you hadn't spent the money on looking back? Do tell! :)


Shaunna said...

Sounds like you have things pretty well organized for Miss Natalie:)

Things that I like that you might want...
1.A swing (Addi has not been a fan of her bouncy seat, so the swing is about the only thing I can sit her in when I need to get some things done...She loves it, and it sometimes puts her to sleep. Worth the money in my opinion!)
2.Sterilizer- You can buy them at Wal-Mart or Target for less than 20bucks. Mine is one you just add a couple of ounces of water to and then stick in the micorwave for 2 minutes. Great for bottles, pacifiers, and parts from your pump.
3.Bumbo chair- This is great when they are about 2-3 months old. They can sit up by themselves in the bumbo.

That's all I can think of:) Of course you can never have too many diapers;)

Lynn said...

Get a swing. It is a wonderful thing to have. Hannah loves swaying in her swing. It often helps lull her to sleep when she is a bit cranky and just gives you some free hands if you need to get something done. Also, stock up on Lanolin cream for sore nipples if you are planning on breastfeeding. It will definitely help. Another thing we found handy is having a CD palyerin Hannah's room. We have a bunch of the Baby Einstein Cds and lullaby cds and they really hep calm Hannah down when she is fussy. I saw you have a bottle brush on your list of things to buy . . . also get a nipple brush. It is the easiest way to clean those. We had to get one on one of our post birth Babies R Us runs.

lubke-moss said...

Thanks for the swing suggestion. Jodi (a friend) is going to let me borrow hers now that Aiden has out-grown it! Thank You JODI! :)

Christy said...

It's been so long, I can hardly remember :) But we girls are born needing lots of stuff and it just gets worse from there. Wait until she discovers shoes!

Jodi said...

I've got my activity mat washed and ready for you! The swing is also looking forward to having a new companion. I also have boppy covers we're not using and if you can think of anything else come "shopping" over at the Tucker household!

Kristin said...

Ok, I'm just now catching up, but thought I would throw my 2 cents in!
A swing is a definite must...or was for us!
Also, the hospital where I delivered gave us extra parts for a breast pump for free (I borrowed one at first too) so I would wait and see if your hospital does too. I'm sure we paid for it somewhere...or at least insurance did, but it was nice not having to go out and buy it.
Also, do you have somewhere for Natalie to sleep in your room, like a bassinet or cradle? Emma Kate only slept in our room for 2 nights, but I know some babies do for much longer.
Hope that helps...can't wait to "meet" Miss Natalie!!

Anonymous said...

Lanolin is great and works most of the time, thank GOD! Don't be afraid to ask your doctor for triple-or quad-nipple cream if you get really sore. That stuff is amazing! A friend of mine uses that sanitizing bag from Medela, and loves it. :) You'll figure out what works for you when sweet NAtalie arrives! :)
Amanda (Peters-Miller) Schultz