Thursday, April 02, 2009

Good Morning and Go Tigers!

I know. Two posts in one day!
Natalie is so much fun in the mornings when she first wakes up. Here are a few pictures of her starting her day. So cute!

This girl loves blankets. We always have one on hand at all times. She can pretty much entertain herself with just a blanket for quite a while.

These pictures are for Uncle Murray and Aunt Danielle. They got her this cute little Mizzou shirt for Christmas, so we broke it out for March Madness last week!

Speaking of last week, Nana Nadine came down to visit for her spring break. Nick and I had to work most of the time, but she was able to get in lots of Nana-Natalie time. She took some great pictures while she was here, too.
Story time with Mommy. She loves story time. She kicks her legs non-stop and reaches out to touch the pages.

She loves to lay on Nick's tummy and is fascinated with his beard. She just touches it and smiles.

Playing with Mommy and getting ready for a nap with Daddy.

Time is flying by. Natalie started "talking" this week. It is SO funny and cute. She purses her lips and sticks out her tongue a little and babbles away. She's definitely becoming a little person.
She is truly the bright spot in my life right now. I am so thankful to be able to come home to her after a horrible day at work - which have been frequent lately - and play with her and give her lovin'. It keeps things in perspective.
Have a blessed Palm Sunday this weekend!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Holy Cow is right Candace. Angel Baby is growing sooo fast. She looks like she is really getting long. Maybe she'll be a basketball player...oh like her Mama!! She is becoming quite the looker. You sure her last name isn't Connelly :)
Love you all!!