Well, my wonderful husband is off again....this time to Minnesota. He is going to a conference on how to handle "crises" during mission trips. He was really excited about going, so I am hoping that it will be a good one. It'll be great for him since he's taking a group of High School kids to the Dominican Republic this summer. He'll be back late Saturday night, though, so it's a quick trip.
In pregnancy news, I think (and pray) that the worst of the "morning sickness" is over! I laugh about it, though (you have to) and jokingly say "I don't know if I'm getting better or just used to the pain." (I'm pretty sure that's in a country song, but I can't think of which one it is.) The fatigue is still heavy, though.
I have been blessed with a friend at work who has a little 2 year old. She has been very sweet to me (we walk a mile to a mile and a half every day on our break), and today gave me a book on breastfeeding. It's from the American Academy of Pediatrics, and looks like a good one. Since this is totally foreign and something I already worry about, it'll be nice to read through it and at least try to convince myself that I'll be more prepared when the time comes!
As you may or may not have noticed, I finally figured out how to put the baby ticker on my blog. Isn't it CUTE!!!? I love it. :)I get excited over the smallest things, hence the title of the post. The website is really cool, and I can create a new one after the baby is born with their name and all. :)
A good friend from church was so sweet and is lending me LOTS of her maternity clothes. She just had a baby at the beginning of February, and is just getting back into her "normal" clothes. That is going to be SUCH a big help. Plus she has really good taste, so I will be looking good! :)She lent me several tops, two dresses, a pair of jeans, dress pants, cords, and a skirt. Don't worry, though. I'll have to do some of my own shopping, too. That way I can return the favor to someone else after my time is done. That's going to be my excuse anyway.
I'm not quite at the point to where I can wear any maternity clothes, but my regular clothes are becoming tight. It's the horrible in-between stage where you just look chubby, not pregnant. Poo.
In other news, my daddy is coming to visit!!! Yea! Since both mine and Nick's families live so far away, we always cherish the time we have together. Here's one of my favorite pictures of us (it's a little old - a year or two, but I still like it).
He will only be visiting from Saturday evening to Tuesday morning, so we'll have to squeeze in as much quality time as possible in a short amount of time. One exciting thing is that he will get to worship with me at St. Paul on Sunday morning. With him being a pastor and all, he doesn't get weekends off and has never worshiped at our church here before. That'll be fun!
Before I pick him up on Saturday, I have a baby shower to go to for one of my friends. She's a sweetie, and is having a little girl. It was fun picking out a couple things for her and knitting a little hat and slippers for her.
In other news NEXT weekend, I will be off on another adventure for which I am EXTREMELY excited about. However, it's still a surprise, so on the off chance of this person reading my blog between now and then, I will hold off on the details....don't worry, though. More to come later.
Excitement begins soon. I just have to get through one more day of work!!!
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