Monday, June 12, 2006

Alberto how I loath thee....

Yes, you guessed it. It's not even two weeks into official "Hurricane Season" and Alberto is already ringing in the new year. Thanks me amigo. I drove to work in a torrential down pour today, but made it safely to work - for which I am thankful. One thing I have become accustomed to since my relocation to Florida is Hurricanes. Once they were only things to be flipped through on the national news, now they stare at me June - October when I look out my front door.
You know what I love about this increase in hurricane activity? It brings out the wack jobs. Now, I'm not saying we aren't all wack jobs in our own special way, but in this case, I am referring to the ones who's wackiness is exemplified by the extreme weather. To begin my list of favorite hurricane wackos (from now on referred to as "HW's") are the ones who think that the escalated hurricane activity indicates that the world is coming to an end - Armageddon is near! Run around screaming! Frighten small children! Etc. I say that isn't something to be bothered by. If Jesus is coming, I'm ready to be taken home - I'd love to see my brother again as well (today would have been his 22nd birthday - lucky him, it's his 5th birthday with Jesus!). Another favorite HW's are the idiots, whom live on the coast that is predicted to be a direct hit, that voluntarily decide to "ride it out". Why, why do these people challenge/ignore the inherent danger? Ahhhh for many reasons:
-They have lived in the house for 30 years and they aren't going to leave it
-It will be cool - Yea, getting killed by the brute force of nature will be "cool".
-The government can't tell me what I can and can't do. Yes government, why do you insist on looking out for us? That sure is rude of you to try and protect us from our own stupidity. How dare you.
Lastly, in my list of HW are the aftermathers who just can't find enough people to blame. Blame FEMA. Blame the governor. Blame the president. People - hurricanes are no one's fault. We can have nice little plans, but when D-day comes, those nice made plans might not be feasible to the situation. So stop your griping and go help your neighbor!
Well kids, this concludes my ranting and raving over the current hurricane season. Thoughts?

1 comment:

hannah said...

LOL. You have hurricane wackos. we have tornado idiots... you know, the ones who pull up their lawn chairs to their porch to "get some cover" to protect their video cameras so they can capture the rapture in person.

GREAT POST. I was rolling!