Friday, December 16, 2005

Television Rage....The new Road Rage

I usually don't get all emotional over television. However, last night was an exception. My husband had to calm me.........I didn't go so far as to reach for a paper bag to inhale and exhale from......but it came close.
For those of you who follow the Apprentice, you will know exactly what caused this emotional stir within me. The season finale was last night where Randall was selected to be (don don DON.....) the next apprentice. I was fully expecting for The Donald to hire both candidates, as both were exceptional, but it didn't happen. The fact that Rebecca didn't get selected was not the reason for my fury. After Randall was chosen, Donald asked him if he would hire Rebecca as well. He said, "No, there should only be one winner." (Cue the emotional outburst) He had already won! Why couldn't he set aside his maleness for one moment and share the spotlight with another. His ego wanted all the glory for himself-typical man for you. Even though I'm sure that Rebecca will be hired "behind the scenes", that was just wrong.....wrong I tell you! That's alright Randall, "Those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted."

1 comment:

melthedce said...

Hey candace wandance! Thanks for the post... i know you understand what it is like on those days!

I would be upset about the apprentice as well... its like the bachelor rose ceremony thing for me... when stupid people do stupid things... maybe you and I should start our own reality show.... then you can get hired for a big ole company and I can find a husband all at once ha ha... ok that was low and somewhat pathetic but tooo bad! :)

love ya dear! Tell that hubby of yours hello!