Thursday, December 15, 2005

Lions,and Shopping, and Family, OH MY!

So, as promised, here is my take on Narnia. It was fabulous. The Christian theology was strongly interwoven throughout the entire movie. I don't know how anyone could miss it. Our church, St. Paul Lutheran, reserved the entire theater and sold every seat available. To make the night even more special and noteworthy, it was the theater's opening night! Yes, our city FINALLY has a decent movie theater now.
Anywho, now that all of my finals are over, I have to get crackin' on all of my Christmas shopping, as I haven't even started. I only have 10 more days! Yikes! So, I suppose that I will have to brave the crowds this weekend.
I am excitedly awaiting the arrival of my family. They are flying in Christmas day night and will be staying for a few days. This will be the first time since we have moved to Florida that my dad and sister will come for a visit. I've got to get to cleaning, too! My oh my.......Exasperation is descending rapidly.............


melthedce said...

ha ha, I think if I would have read your blog first that I would have answered some of my questions I sent you in the email!

I am glad you have joined the blog world! I hope you enjoy it! :)

Dutch not German is said...

I'm loving the new blog. I think it's just as good as mine. See you on Saturday!!