Wednesday, August 12, 2009

9 months and counting

I surly can't believe that my baby is 9 months old already. It seems like just yesterday.....well, you know. Sorry to all for our long blogging hiatus. We have been out of commission traveling around as you saw from the previous post. I have come to the conclusion that I just don't have enough vacation time. While in Missouri, I made sure to take the time each morning I was there to enjoy my cup of coffee and the beautiful view from my in-law's kitchen table:'s the little things in life you need to take time and enjoy. Speaking of, here is the little thing and what she has been up to.
Sleeping: Sometimes she sleeps peacefuly like so:

Sometimes she wakes up, sits up, and fusses until she falls back asleep in what has got to be one of the most uncomfortable positions I've ever seen.

She is on the move now and crawling up a storm. Of course that means she can explore and get her hot little hands on all sorts of "fun" things. Her favorites are shoes and rugs. Mommy and Daddy are learning to put our things away quickly. :)

She still loves her books as much as ever.

I broke down and bought the umbrella stroller I wanted. It is awesome! And Natalie seems to like it, too.

She is the baby of a million faces. Here are just a couple.

Natalie Shea is quite the joy, as you can see. I love her SO much. :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love her so much, too!! Thank you for sharing all these little milestones. It makes the distance seem just a little less. She will keep you hoppin'. I am so glad you are delighting in watching her change and develop. Rugs, shoes, cat food---like you say--those simple little things we love and cherish. If I were there, I'd fix the coffee and read my sweet Natalie Shea a favorite story. Love to all of you,