Monday, June 15, 2009

Welcome Nana and Aunt Nancy!

Nadine (Nick's mom) and her sister Nancy are here visiting us this week! We are excited to have company. Unfortunately, Miss Natalie has been running a fever for the past two days, so it will be off to the doctor tomorrow. :( I hope she gets to feeling better soon. Despite her being under the weather, she is still a relatively happy baby.
GUESS WHAT!!!! She started to say MaMa this week! I was so excited and she is so cute. She has been a chatty Cathy ever since last Thursday. :)
Also, this weekend we sold our couch and our old T.V. That'll help pay for our brand new catalytic converter. Yippie. The Camero IS fixed now, though, and for that I am thankful.
We have been taking some fun pictures of Natalie Shea. So without further a do:

Daddy and Natalie checking out the back yard. She LOVES to be outside. If she's fussy, take her outside, and in about 5 seconds she's happy again.

Here's her crazy hair after taking off her head band one day. I told her to stick out her tongue for daddy, and she did! This picture just makes me laugh out loud. :)

Lovin' that sippy.

One night (after a massivly poopie diaper) it was only about 20 minutes until her bath time, so I just strapped on a cloth diaper. How adorable she was! She was hamming it up and has started to sometimes put her hands behind her head.

Natalie now fits into her Concordia T-Shirt. Represent. It says "Product of Concordia Alumni". :) She is already getting into some of her 12 month clothes. She came out long and she continues to be long! And just look at her palm that block. She uses those long fingers to grab and play with her blocks.

Finally, the battle of the remote. Daddy is being given a run for his money. Go Natalie Go!


Anonymous said...

I love those big eyes!! We are all looking so forward to seeing you guys. Thanks for sharing all of these pictures.--Beat you, Jo. :)
Love you!!

Lynn said...

To answer your questions from our blog. Mike hasn't given a reason for cutting his hair, but we think it is due to how badly he's been treated lately, especially at a clinic and the hospital. They acted like he was on a mission for drugs. As for the family pictures, luckily we get to choose 40 that are included withthe photo session. Then from there, I have no idea!

Christy said...

She's getting so big! Precious, precious, precious - and I really love the crazy hair pictures :)

Shaunna said...

Love the crazy hair pics...Too cute! Hope your sweet girl is feeling better!!