Thursday, January 22, 2009

Howdy from Texas

Hello all. Sorry I have not posted in quite a while. I have been taking advantage of my maternity leave and am spending 10 days in Texas with my family. So far we have seen great Gran and Pawpaw, Aunt Courtney, and great Aunt JoJo (mom's twin).
We are having a great time. Mom and Dad have REALLY SLOW internet service out here in what my family refers to as "Hooterville", so I can't put many pictures up. But, here's a few to tide you over until I get back to the sunshine state.
BTW: Natalie did excellent on the plane ride, and is starting to get into a great sleep schedule. She's been going down between 8:30 and 9:30 and waking up around 6 each morning. She eats and then goes back to bed for 2 or 3 hours. What a great little sleeper she is! Not much else to report. She has been loving her little play mat recently, and found her hands about a week and a half ago, so she has enjoyed sucking and licking her little fingers and grabbing her blankie or shirt to suck on.
That's about all the news for now. Love to you all. ~Candace

As you can see, she is growing and changing all the time!

Thursday, January 08, 2009

Hard Times

Well, this week I started back to work on a part time basis. As you can imagine, it was an emotionally rough weekend. The conflicting emotions of know I don't want to stay home, but at the same time not wanting to leave Natalie. Monday was hard, but it has gotten better. It's funny how I find myself more engaged with her when I get home than I ever was when I spent the whole day with her.....
Returning to work hasn't been too bad, except it's frustrating trying to do a full time job on a part time basis, but I am learning to deal. The other big bummer was that all managers' salaries are being frozen this year, so we won't even get our little raise at annual review time. Great. Lovely. And in the year when we will be having the large expense of childcare. Oh well, I am thankful to have a job, and we have never had to go without food, clothing, or shelter. God will continue to take care of us just like he always has.
On Wednesday, Natalie had to get her first immunizations. Poor baby. They stuck her 3 times and she DID NOT like it at all. She was pretty sleepy for the rest of the day until about 4:30 and she was up and had some good awake time before going to bed.

Alright, so I won't be completely negative. Here are some blessings and excitement:
Natalie is an AWESOME sleeper, and we are so thankful for that! She usually goes down between 10:30 and 11:30 and sleeps until 5:30 to 6:30. She eats and then goes back to bed until 9:30 or 10. (She has been "sleeping through the night 6-7 hours at a time - for about three weeks now.) This week she has done perfectly with my work schedule. She eats in time for me to get ready and be at work by 7.
She has been enjoying her bouncy seat and play mat much more. She will spend a good bit being happy and contented looking and "playing" (kicking her legs and moving her arms like there's no tomorrow). Natalie has also been smiling much more and that is such a joy to see! She is getting more fun by the day. I can't wait to hear her giggle - I'm sure it won't be long.
Natalie and I are heading to Texas a week from today to visit JeJe and Papa as well as other family that will travel up to see us (her). :) You only get maternity leave once per baby, so I thought I'd take full advantage and take a visit. We'll be there for 10 days, and poor Nick will be roughing it by himself.
Lastly, Nick and I became "parents" again on Tuesday! Our good friends Josh and Rebekah had their 3rd child - Judah Nicklaus. His middle name is after Nick, and we were asked to be God-parents! We are truly honored and excited for this special privilege. Congrats again to the T's!! Hopefully things will work out and we will be able to make it to the Baptism - in Illinois.

** A happy late anniversary to my wonderful husband! December 28th we celebrated 6 years together! Time flies when you're having fun. Every day that passes I realize all the more how blessed I am to have you for my husband and the father of my daughter. I love you!

Friday, January 02, 2009

Christmas Day

We had a lovely Christmas Day, just the three of us. Natalie was such a great baby and spent the morning sitting in her little chair watching us open gifts. She liked the sound of the paper crinkling and the bright colors to look at.
Here are a few pictures of the morning:

Our tree with all the gifts wrapped up.

Santa brought Natalie Brightheart Raccoon the Care Bear Cousin:

Natalie and Daddy

Candace got some beautiful butterfly earrings. I love James Avery! Thanks mom and dad!

Nick got a really cool grilling cook book and has already prepared two great dinners!

Thank you Je Je and Pa Pa for the Very Hungry Caterpillar book. That is one of my mommy's favorites. :)

Thanks Great Gran and Paw Paw for the toys!

Thank you aunt Courtney for my book and my ducky!

As you can see, we had a wonderful Christmas. I'm sure next year will be quite different as Natalie will be ripping open her own gifts. It's hard to imagine her that big, but it is also hard to believe that she has already grown so much already!

Lastly, I leave you with one last picture of Natalie from 2008. Happy New
Year to everyone!