Wednesday, August 15, 2007

NYG Baby!

Sorry for the delay - after a long but inspiring week at the 2007 LCMS National Youth Gathering, I came back to work for a few days and then we were off to the Midwest to visit our friends from college. I think this is the first time I've been able to catch my breath!

The few days with our friends can be summed up in a few phrases - foam 'n fellowship, lots of girl talk (did I get an education!), non-stop Mario-carts, 3am nights, a very pregnant friend waiting for the big day, reconnecting. It is truly a sign of a wonderful life long friendship when you can go without seeing each other for over a year and pick up like it's only been a week. I love you guys!!

So back to the was in a word - AMAZING! As usual, it delivers, praising Christ the King and touching the hearts and minds of so many youth (and adults, too). The theme was CHOSEN scripturally based on 1Peter 2. We are all chosen in Christ, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to God! - what a wonderful thing to know! The kids we took (22 in all) were absolutely fantastic, and they appeared to have had a great time. I sure hope so. So here are a couple of pics from the gathering:

The Backpacks - fun and really easy to decorate this year, but since they weren't colored, it didn't have the same effect when you were walking down the street.

Nick serves communion during the worship service on Tuesday night. This was a big highlight for him!

Tommy and Dave being silly. I love you guys!

I can't belive it's been six years since I met you. I can't imagine my life without you! I love you!!


Anonymous said...

I like the new look of your blog.
love you,

Jo said...

About socks: Sorry it's taken me so long to get back to you! I get terribly sidetracked sometimes. But here is a really good place to start with your sock journey:

It's a pattern for a tiny sock, not even a baby sock, but it has all the parts so it's a good pattern to start with. After that, you can try the sock found here:

I also find baby socks are good practice, and there's a good pattern downloadable as a PDF file here:
(The "Better than Booties" pattern.)

I hope this is helpful! Let me (or Julianna) know if you run into any trouble!