Wednesday, August 17, 2011

July 2011

July was quite the eventful month. You will see below the reason for my blogging hiatus.
*We found out that we are having another little girl! Nick is terrified. He says he is going to have to buy two guns now to keep the boys away. :)We are excited, though, and looking forward to welcoming her in just a few short months! After the initial morning sickness passed, this pregnancy has flown by. I will be entering my 3rd trimester next week. She is definitely moving and groving and I have gotten great reports from the doctor. The Nursery is also ready and set to go all but waiting for a name to put on the wall. We have a tentative name selected, but Nick won't "commit" until September 1st. All clothes are unpacked from storage washed and put away! We are ready for baby.
"Little Sister's Room":

*Early July, we spent the holiday weekend with some of my family: Uncle Dick, Aunt La La, Uncle Dave, Aunt Jo Jo, and cousin Kelly. We went to the beach and then back to the Jones/Zach house to swim in the pool and hang out.

*Dave and Sonya came to visit over the 4th weekend, too as well as a couple of other friends. Here is Natalie with our sweet little goddaughter, Johanna:

Mommy and Natalie with her Capri Sun (aka "Summer Vacation" we have no idea where she got that from or why she calls them that. Silly girl!)

"Helping" mommy wash the car.

Fun in the back yard with bubbles!

Mid July Nana Moss came to visit us. Week one was great. Daddy was in the Dominican with his HS students, and the girls had fun playing. Natalie was spoiled as usual and enjoyed playing with her new tea set. :)

*The second week, though was not so much fun. Natalie was admitted to the hospital for pneumonia and spent two days at Lakeland Regional Medical Center. As a parent, it was hard to see my little girl hooked up to an IV sitting in a hospital bed, but she was such a trooper! She didn't whine or even flintch when they put her IV in and was over all a model patient. She was in hog heaven getting to watch so many movies! Fortunately, she made a pretty speedy recovery and we were release on Saturday after noon (admitted on Thursday). Unfortunately, I must have caught a bug while in the hospital, because Saturday night, I started running a fever. I ran a fever for 4 days straight and was out of work for the entire following week with the exception of Friday. I have not been that sick in years! I am so grateful that Nadine was here through it all even though it probably wasn't how she imagined her time in Florida. She was so fantastic! We love you, Nadine. Thanks for everything! Here is our sweetie:

Thankfully, we are all well again, and are praying that the sick cloud will not come back to our house for a long time!
In other fun news, Natalie just loves being in the kitchen helping me cook. It doesn't really matter what it is as long as she gets to stir, pour, sprinkle, or "cut". Nick and I figure she'll be fixing us dinner by the time she's 5. :)

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