Friday, August 31, 2007


Alas, school is back in full swing, and at least one of my professors is on crack - I'm quite sure. No really. What other reasonable explanation is there for someone who has 5 text books + additional articles as assigned reading for the semester? Honestly. By the next class, I have to have finished reading a 191 riveting page turner on "The Evolution of Cooperation". NON-STOP fun I tell you.In his defense, he is not the only one on crack. Apparently I am, too. I have (like a loon) signed up to take 3 classes this semester. Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday from 6-9:40PM. The good thing is I will be totally finished the week before Thanksgiving. Then it will be all downhill from there.

School has plighted my knitting activities, though. :( Sadly, I am going to have to face the reality that I will have to put it on hold for the next 12 wks. "sigh" I was able to get a couple projects under my belt this summer, though. I made a baby sweater, a hat (it's really not worth wearing, but it was great practice honing my dpn skills - that's double pointed needles for all you non-knitters., and a really cleaver headband/hat thing. I will have to make another one of these. You know how winter hats always give you fits if you wear your hair up? Well, this little ditty lets you have the best of both worlds. It's a fairly simple pattern if you focus on your counting. It's a simple K2 P2 pattern worked on straight needles, but I think I'm going to modify it a little bit on my next one to make cable stitches on the center stripes. I have taken pictures of my pieces, and eventually (I promise) I will get some of them posted.

In other fascinating news, Nick and I are continuing to work on our bathrooms. We- well Nick really - tore out the cabinets, counter top, and sink in one of the bathrooms last night. I am very impressed! Nick, the man who, when I married him could hardly hammer a nail in the wall has been just amazing with this bathroom project. Now, you may be thinking, demo - that's easy. You're just tearing apart something. You are partially true, but he also had to unhook (and not destroy) the plumbing fixtures. Plus, he - all by himself - repaired a hole in the drywall. AND, now that it's painted and textured (also done by wonder husband) you can't even tell where the hole was! Let me tell you! I AM AMAZED!! Today we are going to Lowes to buy all the new stuff. We went a few weeks ago priced and picked out all the things we wanted. Today is ZERO% financing for 12 months on our CC (nothing like getting to hold on to your money for another year!), so today we will be going to purchase all the goods. I am SO EXCITED!! I have been waiting oh so patiently for this day to come. :)

Other than that, it's been same old, same old around this joint. We won't be doing anything too exciting this weekend. Staying around the house working on the bathrooms. So, if that sounds like your cup of tea, you are welcome to come over.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

NYG Baby!

Sorry for the delay - after a long but inspiring week at the 2007 LCMS National Youth Gathering, I came back to work for a few days and then we were off to the Midwest to visit our friends from college. I think this is the first time I've been able to catch my breath!

The few days with our friends can be summed up in a few phrases - foam 'n fellowship, lots of girl talk (did I get an education!), non-stop Mario-carts, 3am nights, a very pregnant friend waiting for the big day, reconnecting. It is truly a sign of a wonderful life long friendship when you can go without seeing each other for over a year and pick up like it's only been a week. I love you guys!!

So back to the was in a word - AMAZING! As usual, it delivers, praising Christ the King and touching the hearts and minds of so many youth (and adults, too). The theme was CHOSEN scripturally based on 1Peter 2. We are all chosen in Christ, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to God! - what a wonderful thing to know! The kids we took (22 in all) were absolutely fantastic, and they appeared to have had a great time. I sure hope so. So here are a couple of pics from the gathering:

The Backpacks - fun and really easy to decorate this year, but since they weren't colored, it didn't have the same effect when you were walking down the street.

Nick serves communion during the worship service on Tuesday night. This was a big highlight for him!

Tommy and Dave being silly. I love you guys!

I can't belive it's been six years since I met you. I can't imagine my life without you! I love you!!