Monday, November 30, 2009

Sneak Peak

Happy baptismal birthday today to our little sweet pea! Jesus loves you very much and so do we! :)

Here's a sneak peak of Natalie's 1 year pictures. We found this wonderful photographer in Lakeland named Ali. Her blog is to check out more of her work. She is definitly a talented photographer! We love her work. Especially this little number. :)

I can't wait to see more!
(P.S. Click on the picture to make it bigger.)

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Indiana Fun

At the beginning of this month, Natalie and Candace ventured up to Indiana to celebrate Grammie's 90th birthday. Thankfully, we got to travel with Aunt Elaine (there) and Uncle Dick there and back. Thanks again for everything Dick! You were a tremendous help! Natalie was a trooper. I know it was an overwhelming experience, but she did well all things considered. The flight went well also with the exception of the descent. I think it really messed with her ears. :( We enjoyed all the wonderful time spent with family! Uncle Bill's horses were a hit. This child is fearless when it comes to animals.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Birthday Pictures

Here are some photos of Natalie's BDAY

Thanks Grandpa and Nana Moss for the scooter!

Papa Lubke was here to put together their gift.

Thanks for spending the week with Natalie, Papa Lubke

I love opening gifts....can't wait until Christmas.

What a day! Time for bed.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Happy Birthday Natalie

A Year of Joy

Today is my baby's first birthday! I can hardly believe it. It has been one wild and wonderful year of learning, loving, laughing, and living. She is truly a joy, and I can't imagine my life without her. Children remind you of the sheer awesomeness of our Lord. He has created her, and I have watched her grow from a little peanut in the womb to a giggling little lady. Amazing. Through all the learnings of new parents, God has guided us and carried us through. People are always asking for "proof" that God exists. I would argue that a baby is his proof. There's just no other way to explain it.

Nana and Grandpa Moss sent her a little tykes scooter she can either sit on and move with her feet, or stand and push. We assembled it last night and put her on it. Within 5 minutes, she had it figured out and was scooting across the floor shrieking with delight. It made her look so BIG! For me, it is bitter sweet. I am so blessed to have a healthy baby girl that is thriving and growing into a beautiful child, but at the same time I know that the "baby" is gone. Each stage has it's joys and pains, so I will try my best to focus on the joys, enjoy the moments, and not harp on the pains.

For some reason being a "mom" is starting to hit me, too. It may just be me, but it makes me feel older and more momish now that she isn't an infant. I'm a little crazy sometimes, though. :)

Natalie Shea is up to all sorts of things at one year:

*She can walk with assistance, but isn't confident to do it on her own just yet. Crawling is still the preferred mode of travel. Unless, she can hold on to the laundry basket and push it across the floor.
*The kid has a mouth full of teeth. It's hard to tell, but she has at least 12, if not more. Four in the front on top and bottom, and a back one on each side, top and bottom. Everyone says she'll be ready for steak soon.
*She has never been a very verbal child, but she is beginning to say a few words and shriek on occasion when she gets excited. Right now she can say:
Charles(our cat)- "Chus"
Cat(Bella our other cat) - "Cat"
Shoe - "Sha", Sock - "Soh"
Picture - "Pi-cha"
Mama - "Mama"
Dad - "Dat"
She also says things we aren't sure what she is saying. I'm sure that will be the case for a while. :)
*Size: She is roughly 20lbs and wears size 12 clothes and size 4 shoes. I don't think she's grown much at all since her 9 mo. appointment, but the pediatrician said that is to be expected. Based on how her growth is charting so far, he predicts she is going to end up in the 25% range. She has her next appointment on Monday.
*Her hair is growing, but isn't quite long enough to put in a pony tail or pig tails. Bows have to do for now - when she will leave them in.
*She is AWESOME in church, for which I am very thankful and will enjoy for as long as it lasts.
*She is now down to only one mommy feeding (bed time), which will soon be coming to an end. :( Other than that, she has completely transitioned to whole milk and is doing great with it.
*Natalie is a fabulous eater. She eats her veggies and fruit like there is no tomorrow. She can eat an entire banana in one sitting! She is still not too partial to meat or eggs, but as of the last few days, she might be warming up to them. I'll keep trying.
*She is fussy when it comes to getting her diaper changed and makes it a workout for mommy and daddy. When she was really tiny she LOVED the changing pad, now she acts like we are laying her on a bed of hot coals. Silly bean.
*She has learned how to slide off the couch by herself.
*She loves to flail around on beds and couches and throw herself into pillows. It's fun to watch.
*She is a great sleeper at night. Rarely does she wake up in the middle of the night, and if she does, she goes back down within minutes. She has never been a big napper and usually takes only one in the afternoon. It ranges from 30 minutes to an hour.
*When it comes to playing, she is at the putting things into other things and taking them out stage, as well as the throwing stage.
*She still likes books, but her attention span for them has shortened considerably. Before, she would sit and listen to 5 or 6 books before she was on to something else. Now, you can get through maybe one if you are lucky.
*Natalie LOVES animals (video of meeting Uncle Bill's horses to come soon). She gets so excited and waves her arms around. Any cat, dog, squirrel, horse, you name it, and she goes after it fearless. We are going to go to the Zoo in Tampa for Nick's birthday at the beginning of December. I am sure it will be a fun time for all of us. I can't wait to see her reaction to it all. :)

Needless to say I love her more than words can say. I pray that Christ will continue to bless her and be with her, bless Nick and I as parents, and help us all to grow in love for him and one another as a family.

Happy Birthday my sweet sweet girl.

Monday, November 02, 2009

Fun with Cat, Chus, Leaves, & Beads

Natalie has been enjoying playing with the falling leaves in our back yard as well as chasing around the cats. She calls Bella "Cat" (she still doesn't say L sounds), and Charles "Chus". It's very cute. Here are some pictures of her latest adventures:

She has also started accessorizing herself at a very young age. I don't know how she learned it, but she found an old pair of party beads and immediately put them around her neck. She now crawls around the house everywhere with those beads dragging on the floor. :) Silly bean.

Nick and I just laugh and laugh at this one. She has them both cornered, and none of the three know what to do now.

We've got Spirit!

Natalie did not disappoint and proved to be the cutest cheerleader around. Too bad the Chiefs are sucking it up this year. :( Oh well. Natalie more than makes up for it, just take a look:

We made the rounds at Mommy's work (behold the place I spend 1/3 of my life). Real exciting, eh? :)

Everyone thought she was adorable, and who could argue?

Then, on Saturday, it was time for some fun with our friends. It was a nice blazing hot 88 degrees. Definitely not late October weather even for Florida.

All the Moms with their babies:

Family shots:

Hope your Halloween/Reformation Day was just as sweet.