Well, it's that time again already (at least in Florida)- the dreaded swimsuit season. Donn donn DONN! For skinny 16 year olds with perfect bodies, this is not such a big deal. For the other 99% of us, it is. I read somewhere that most women would rather go to the dentist that shop for a swimsuit. I would agree with that.
So, last weekend I took the plung and went shopping. Mind you, I am not a shopper. I don't enjoy it. It's not something I choose to do on the weekends. In fact, I only do "serious" shopping about once a year. For most females, shopping is a way to have fun and relax, and for some an essential part of their being. For Candace, it is a stressful, nerve-wracking experience. Everything I like is too expensive, doesn't fit, or is not in my size. How do people do this ALL the time - for ENJOYMENT?!
(I went to try to find an Easter dress as well as a SS. I found nothing worth anything under $60.00, and I'm not spending $60.00 on a dress. Yeah, I'm cheap...I know.)
Anyway, back to the swimsuits. So I trompped around the mall for 2 hours to no avail. Did you know that people sell SS for $50.00/piece?!! $100.00 for two tiny pieces of material? I don't think so. The material isn't even worth that, and you know it probably wasn't "made in the USA", as most all manufacturing/textile production is now outsourced across the big pond. How? Why? I'm became more disgruntled as time went on and with every store I entered.
With no luck at the mall, I head to good old Target - The one store that I don't completely loath shopping at. (Hind-site, I should have gone there to begin with).
I walk in, and they have a great selection with reasonable prices. I actually find 3 suites (7 pieces in all for different sizes) plus two shirts and a skirt to try on. So I walk to the dressing room where the girl (the 16 yr. old with the perfect SS body) informs me that I can only take 6 pieces into the dressing room. So what? Try on the tops and then come back for the bottoms and try to envision what they would look like together? (I didn't say this out loud, but I was thinking it.) So I take a couple of the suites, try them on, put my clothes back on, trade out for the other pieces, go back in the dressing room, try on round two, and dress again. I consider myself and efficient person and like to do things as expidiciously as possible - you can imagine how annoyed I was.
This story does have a happy ending, though. I did find a SS that I actually like, and that fits me, and I will be set to go for another 2 years, hopefully.
Now I just have to work on tanning my albino body.........